Ada is best friends with 99goonsquad , She has a secret YOUTUBE channel , She tells goonsquad and tells them she's going on tour , Mikhaella and goonsquad get to go , And other youtubers are gonna be on tour , will she fall for one if them . What h...
I go downstairs and see Julian and jovani , " hey ada " they say , " hey , I'm gonna head home , I'm feeling better " I say getting my keys , " okay I can drive you " jovani said . " no it's okay I can drive , I live down the street " I say chuckling , " So , it's okay " he said. " nope I'm leaving bye " I run to my car and lock the doors once I'm inside . I see jovani run outside . I turn the car on and drive off flipping him off laughing . He laughs and goes back inside . I drive to my house and go in . I see a note that said ' Hey honey sorry I couldn't call you , but I'm leaving the city for two weeks , it's a work meeting in Arizona , love you , take care and don't destroy the house , you're also staying alone but Julian and jovani AND mikhaella can stay here if you want , but ONLY them , I'll call you when I can ' . I grunt , my moms always away because of her job , i HATE it . I call jovani ,
Me : hey jovani come over with Julian and mikhaella , my mom left for two weeks , movie night tonight
JOVANI - OMG FUK ya ... mikhaella is driving there and me and Julian will walk LOVE ya babe
Me - love you too
Hangs up )
I change into some cute sweats that jovani gave me , and I kept my nirvana crop top on . There's a knock on my door , I answered and it was mikhaella , " I got us matching PJ's for tonight " mikhaella says , " OMG yes " I say jumping up and down . We run to my room , we both change in front of eachother ... " Oh MY gawd YOU look hotter then me wtf " mikhaella says , she's wearing a red jogger thing ( Julian's favorite color in the book ) ,
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( the pink one is mikhaellas )
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( the blue one is mine )
and I'm wearing baby blue ... (Jovani's favorite color too oops in the book ) . " you look FUKING sexy too " I said , she started twerking , I joined her . " WAIT Music " I say , I get my speakers and start playing ' I know ' by big Sean . I started twerking , and mikhaella started twerking on the wall . We tweaked for many minutes because that SING was on repeat ... then I changed it into Somo ' or nah ' . We both smirk and started to twerk more . We were twerking until we heard whistles ... we both stop twerking in a Mila second . We look at the door and there was Julian and jovani standing smirking . " hey " I say innocently , just like if they hadn't seen me and my best friend twerking our asses off .. " Nice twerking " Jovani said licking his lips , " Thanks " i said smirking , " can you guys do a dancing show for us " They said smirking , " ya haha no " Mikhaella said , " I don't see why not mikhaella , come on " I said smirking , " But .. " she said , " after the movie " she says , " OKAY as lot as you guys dance for us " Julian said smirking , i roll my eyes , " UGH horny boys " i said walking away , someone smacked my ass and it was jovani , I looked at him like ' -_- ' and he just looked at me like ' 😁' . I roll my eyes , " I like your PJ's " jovani said , " thanks , I was wearing your sweat pants but mikhaella said we should be twinning s she got us this " I said looking at my hands , " oh I never gave YOU your hug " I said , " Oh ya " jovani said , I hugged him , I was gonna kiss his cheek and he was gonna kiss mine but ... we accidently kissed on the lips , but it was only a peck don't worry , . " Oh my god I'm so sorry '' we both said , " it's okay " we both said at the same time again , we just laugh and hug again . " let's go check on the love birds " jovani said taking my hand in his . I nod , we walk to my room and see something very disturbing ... He had mikhaella pushed against the wall and they were making out , her legs were wrapped around his torso , Grinding on eachother . " AHHHHH IM JUST A LITTLE BOY AHHHH " I yell covering my eyes , " EKKK " I hear mikhaella yell , " Ahhhh " I yell as I ran downstairs , " MY EYES "i hear jovani yell , I lay down in the couch , jovani come and sits next to me , mikhaella walks with Julian all red , they were gonna sit with us because the couch is big , " ummm no , the love seat is over there .. sit " I point to the love seat , they roll their eyes and sit at the love seat . I smirk at them , I pressed Netflix and they wanted to watch ' Rings ' which is a horror movie which I HATE HORROR MOVIES ! ugh these bitches am I right .
I started drifting to sleep like halfway during Finding Nemo , we've watched six movies , this is our seventh one . I closed my eyes and I felt jovani kiss my cheek and play with my hair , " You like her don't you Julian " jovani asks Julian , " I like mikhaella a lot , I'm just ... scared to tell her " Julian said , " do you like anyone .... " Julian asked , " nope " jovani answered , " not even Ada , it seems like it bro " Julian said , " no me and Ada are best friends , no , I could never like her , she to much of a sister to me " jovani answered while staring at me, I could feel it . " well do you like her a lil bit " Julian said , " I did last year but that's it , im over that " Jovani said while playing with my hair , " Okay , well I'm gonna sleep night buddy " Julian said to jovani , " night bro " jovani said , i started to move around , " no shh go back to bed cutie " jovani said trying to make me stop moving , I pulled him next to me so he was laying on his side and I was on my back , I hugged his waist pulling his closer. He chuckled , h HUGGED me tight too , we were Legit SMUSHED . " I love you ada , you're my best friend and I don't ever want to lose you " Jovani said kissing my cheek and forehead , " night boo " he said before placing his head on the crook of my neck and falling asleep with me in his arms and him in mine .
I woke up the next morning still tangled up with jovani , I tried to get up without waking him up but jovani would just moan and pull me closer to him . He wouldn't let go of me , I love this stage of him , When he's so tired he thinks you're a teddy bear so he won't jet you go .... it's cute . " jovani Wake up , Bud wake up " I say playing with his messy hair , " Mmmm " he said against my neck , I roll my eyes , " wake up " I said , " No , I wanna stay here with you " he said hugging me tighter , " Juliannnnnnnnnnnnn helpppp " I groan , " JULIAN JARA WAKE UP AND HELP ME " I yell , " W-what ! Oh , Jovani get the fuk off " Julian yelled confused and sleepy , " nooo im so tired "jovani yelled half asleep . " we have to go to school " I said , I looked at the clock and it's six am , " get offffff " I said , " Jovani " Julian said, Julian rolls his eyes and gets up and legit pulls jovani off of me , " Noooo " jovani moans , I laugh . " run " Julian says laughing , i nod . I run as fast as i can to my room and locked it , I hear footsteps ... " Ada where are you babbbbe " Jovani says creepily , " Come out where you are " he said CLOSER then he was a few seconds ago . Because I'm stupid I open the door and BAM ! Jovani is right ther , he is smirking at me . " Hey babe " he says smirking , " hey daddy " I say smirking , but then started laughing , " Ada EW NOO " jovani said covering his eyes , this is my chance to run . I run past him and jump on Julian , " HELP ME " I yell . Julian kisses my cheek " I'll save you my princess " He says winking at me , I laugh . Mikhaella wakes up because if th chaos that we just made , " what happened " she said yawning , " jovani wouldn't get off of me and then ya .... this is happening " I said laughing , " Ada come here babyyyy " jovani said , " UGH only because I love you " I said rolling my eyes .