Lessthen 8 months to live bc of nathan

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Adas pov )
I don't know how I'm dealing with this . Mikhaella fell asleep a few minutes ago , I couldn't sleep , I didn't even realize I was crying till I felt a Water drop on my arm , I hear someone move , i wipe my tears really fast , then I look to my Left and see jovani with his eyes opened   , " A-Ada " He says looking at me , " Are You Okay ... why are You crying " He says sitting up , I don't answer , More tears all , " Jesus , look at you " He says getting up and walk to me and sits next to me , He carries Mikhaella and lays her next to Julian , he then sits next to me . He Grabs my hand and says " Why are you crying " he says wiping my tears wth the pad of his thumb . I close my eyes and breathe deep trying to Calm down . " I-I Miss the Old y-you " I say with more tears falling , " I know you do ... I'm so sorry , Brit changed me  to  the worse person ever , I'm sorry , I'm so stupid, I miss our friendship , I miss you ... can we start over please " He says grabbing my hands , I look at our hands and look slowly up into his eyes , they look glossy too . " I-I don't know jovani , w-what if y-you do worse next time " I say , " There won't be a next time , I'll change for the good " He says , " I-I don't K-Know if I-I trust you J-Jovani Anymore " I say with my voice cracking . "W-What " he says below a whisper , I don't answer him and look down . I Heard a weird choking noise ... I looked up and saw jovani closing his eyes tears falling down his Tinted Cheek . He was crying .... He was sobbing the nose was a sound he was keeping inside .... " J-Jovani " I say , he doesn't answer , he keeps crying . " Bup .... " I says , I grab his face and wipe the tears that have fallen and which are falling . " J-Jovani .. Open your E-Eyes " I say , he doesn't say anything m then a few seconds later he opens his eyes , they are All red and puffy and gloss making me wanting to cry again too . " W-We can F-Fix this ... Our F-Friendship .. just because I-I said I don't trust you R-right now doesn't mean I will Never T-Trust you Again , I still love you ... R-Remeber that ... hold on too that , You'll B-Be Okay " I say , he starts having the little shakes after crying . He slowly nods . I OUT my forehead on his , " I-I'm sorry " Jovani says hugging me , I hug back and shake my head , " It's Ok " I say , I lay down next to him , I cuddle to his chest , he starts playing with my hair which calmed him down a lil bit . Someone knocks on the door , then they open it .. it's Nathan , " YOU'RE FUKING CHEATING ON ME " He yelled , " N-Nathan ! He was crying and I Was H-Hugging  him ! He's my B-Best  friend " I say stand up , " No he isn't ! He FUKING hurt you " Nathan says , " D-Don't Yell ! Julian and Mikhaella are S-sleeping " I sta through gritted teeth , " You cheated me on me " he keeps shaking , " O-OMG UGHHH I D-DIDN'T CHEAT OKAYYY " I Say yelling the loudest ever causing everyone in the room to wake up , " W-WHY  WERE YOU L-LAYING  WITH JOVANI AND H-HUGGING " He says walking closer to me , " H-HE WAS CRYING l-LIKE I HAVE BEEN S-SAYING  , IF I WAS C-CHEATING ON YOU ! DOMT YO T-THINK WE WOULDN'T HAVE C-CLOTHES ON " I yell , " YOURE SUCH A .... UGH ANNOYING !! CHEATER  " Nathan Yells pushing me against the  wall , making MY back hit the corner of the house able HARD . I fall to the ground , " O-Ow " I say holding onto my stomach and back . I look at Nathan shocked , he looked as shocked as me . " omg ada ... I didn't mean too I swear I'm sorry " Nathan says crouching down , " I-It's okay " I say . Julian and jovani run to me , Mikhaella JUST sits in the bed shocked by  what just happened ... My boyfriend .... Hurt me ... Physically, " Are you okay " Julian asks , I couldn't move anything , I couldn't talk. .. I couldn't do anything .. I could hear tho  ... I couldn't feel ... I was like a Dummy doll , Useless ... " Julian ... This can effect her cancer ! This is one of her symptoms , can't do anything " Mikhaella says , Jovani gasps . The call 911 , I feel myself being rolled onto the ambulance , I hear jovani hop on , " you'll be okay ... I promise you " He says kissing my forehead ... low key does he know I'm smiling ..

They take me to the ER and do things to me which Idk what half of them were . I got plugged on the Bed and the Machines . I can hear the machine which were keeping me alive . I felt num , I could open my eyes, i opened one and saw The nurse Rachel again , " Hi honey ... we have some bad news " She says , I nod slowly , " we just found out ... You're cancer spread all over your body .. there is nothing we can do now .... You ... have less Then 8 months to live " She says .


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