Ada is best friends with 99goonsquad , She has a secret YOUTUBE channel , She tells goonsquad and tells them she's going on tour , Mikhaella and goonsquad get to go , And other youtubers are gonna be on tour , will she fall for one if them . What h...
Adas pov ) Right now me and jovani are cuddling under the blankets watching camp rock . " THIS IS REAL THIS IS ME " I sing , " IM EXACTLY WHERE IM SUPPOST TO BE NOW " Jovani sings , " GONNA LET THE LIGT SHINE ON MEEEEEEEE .... this is me " We both sing , but I do the high notes and the last part too . We just laugh , I put my head on His chest and all of a sudden his heart beat started going faster and faster , " Jovani are you okay " I say , " ya why " he says looking at me , " your heart went super fast all of a sudden " I say , " oh ya that happens a lot don't worry " He says smiling , I nod .
Jovani's pov )
Ada laid down on my chest and my heart went super fast .. idky , she asked me if I was oka because it went fast and I said it happens a lot , which it does when I'm around her but I don't like her , or I Would blush or I would be awkward around her , which I'm not . So I'm not crushing on her or anyone .... I wanna explore LA right now
Adas pov ) " wanna explore LA with me , it's early it's only 9 pm " Jovani says sitting up , " Uhh sure " I say getting up , " WAIT I have to change " I say , " Ya me too " he says . I run to my luggage and choose the first outfit I found . " WAIT is it warm outside " I say , " Ovi it's california baby " jovani says , " True sorrrrrrry " I say rolling my eyes , he chuckles , I run into the bathroom and change Into
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JOVANI AND ada are wearing those ☝🏼
" Ada wear sweats " I hear jovani say , " I was already planning on it " I say LAUGHING . I Walk out in my sweats and my messy bun , " TWINS " WE both yell , WE both chuckle , " let's go explore " I say , he nods .
Two hours later )
Adas pov ) Right now we are walking the Hollywood Stars or what ever it's called haha . We started crossing the street then All of a sudden we hear Loud Beeps and " WATCH OUT ". " RUN GET OUT OF THE WAY " I hear someone yell , jovani runs but ... I'm still ... THEN all I remember is A car hitting me , and everything was in slow motion , I saw jovani yell and cry . Then all went black