Ill call the police and tell them you kiddnalled me !

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I woke up Next to Ethan in .. His bed ?!? We didn't do anything ... I'm not naked so we didn't do anything .. He took me to his place to sleep because he knew I was Unstable right now . " E-Ethan " I say stuttering ... Wtf my stuttering was gone .. Well Almost gone and now it's back TF ! It's probably cause I'm scarred to life at the moment . " E-Ethan " I say poking his Pecks .. That's right I touched his boobies ! I poked it again and said his name again . As soon as I was gonna Poke his Boobies again he grabbed my finger and looked into my eyes all SERIOUS and said . " You love MY epic .. don't you " he says all goofy and smirking . I start laughing hard

ETHANS pov )

Her laugh is like music to my ears .. Wait WTF ! I thought I liked Her friend from the studio Brooke ... What's her last name .. Oh Ya Martinson .. I didn't talk t her . But I saw her talking to Ada A couple times in the club and She was beautiful .... Ugh I don't even know right now ... I'm Cunfuzzled . Ugh

Ada Pov )
I blush and Laugh . " Your b-boobies are Very nice Ethan .... I like y-your boobies " I say laughing hard . " come here " He says . I raise an eye brow All confused . He chuckles and shakes his head and pulls me closer to him , he wraps an arm around my shoulder and I put an arm around His Abs .... DAMN Grayson and Ethan have abs So hard and formed they can FUKING Grate Cheese on them . " You have Weird Imagination " Ethan says Laughing hard . " What do you mean " I say confused . " Grayson and I's Abs can Grate Cheese " He says laughing harder . I blush . "I said that out loud " I say blushing even more , Ethan Nods . He can't even talk .. He's laughing SAY to hard , " We should test that theory ". Ethan says smirking . " it might work because you're middle name is Grant and ' Grate ' Cheese.. I'm smart " i say sending him a toothy smile . He laughs harder , I roll my eyes And turn around so I can Sleep .

It's been ten minutes since I've turned around and He keeps poking me In my freaking Arm and neck and just anywhere . " Ethan Grant fuking Dolan I swear On the Lord All Mighty If you Do Not stop At This Moment I Will Call The Police And Say you Kidnapped Me " I say grabbing his finger and twisting it . " Owowowowowowowow O-O-O-o-OKAY chill woman " he says as I let GO of his finger . I roll my eyes and Close my eyes to sleep . " Don't sle-" I cut him off By pushing him off the bed making him land On his butt .. Hard , I start laughing hard . " O-Oh My G-Gawd ! THAT w-was so f-funny .. Y-Your face was P-Priceless omg " I say laughing harder . Ethan says nothing and all of a sudden He does. A weird crab face and says " O-oH M-mY G-gAwD ! ThAt WaS So F-FuNnY .. Y-yOuR fAcE wAs PrIcLeSs OmG " he says doing a weird crab face . " You're so weird I swear to Jesus Christ " I say , he laughs harder . " But you love me " He says , "ehhhhh " I say , he gasps . " I'm joking .. I love you as a brother " I say laughing . He smiles and hugs me , " I don't " he says , I gasp and place a hand to my heart acting all offended .. But I wasn't . " You're not a boy.. I love  YOU as a sister " he says , I chuckle . " Are YOU OKAY tho " He asks ... probably talking about what had happened last night . I sigh and look down and shake my head  , I take a shaky breathe , " I'm N-not okay .... I'm scarred and Scared " I say looking at him . He pouts and hugs me and rubs my back. " Don't be Scared .. I know You can't help it bc it was a few hours ago but Like I said Last night in the cab .. Im GONNA protect YOU .. Always , I'll always be here too and so will Grayson " He says hugging me . I nod , " T-Thank YOU ... But I live in Florida tho .. How will you be t-there for me  if I L-live across the damn  country "I say with a few tears falling . " If I NEED to fly over thee .. I will Okay " he says wiping my tears . I nod , " You mean a lot to me Ethan " I say hugging him . " You mean a lot to me and Gray " He says hugging me back . " When do you have to go home " He asks , " Well today ... But I'm in no shape or form right now ... So imma stay here till Friday Afternoon if that's okay with you guys " I say , " Of course it's fine .. You're our best friends " He says smiling . I smile back ... " I wonder what is happening in Florida  " I say , " Everyone is probably missing you because I just met you but I know imma miss you when you leave ,... You're the Life of the party and Here " he says smiling . " Ya .. Except yesterday's party " I say , he nods . There was a moment of silence for a couple of minutes .... Then Ethan breaks the Silence , " Im going home with you " He says , '' W-What " i say confused , " Im going home with you ... I want you to be safe And If I'm there I'll be there ... My parents and my whole family lives over there in New Jersey too ... We can go visit them And GO to Florida with you .... " he says , " Ethan .. You're so dumb .. I live in BayBeach Florida and YOU live in Long Valley New Jersey ... Those are two completely different states " I say shaking my  head . " Oh ... Idc imma GO home with YOU and Grayson is coming with " he says , " But Ethan Im going home on Friday A-And I am on tour .... And I go to Seattle And Oregon This WEEKND .. And don't you have TOUR too " I say , " yea ? SOOOOO ! You need us right now and Our fans will understand .. Me and Gray can take a few weeks off so we can do International tour  " he says shrugging , I roll my eyes . " You don't care what I'm saying because you're gonna come with me aren't you " I say rolling my eyes again , " Yup " he says smiling with his mouth closed and his eyes shut , I chuckle . " What ever ..... " I say getting cut off by my phone ringing ....

" It's Lou ... Ethan "

1163 WORDS exact

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4K reads ! I don't know how to react or say ! I only wrote this book for Two of my friends and So many people liked it and have read It IS INANE ! I love you all so much !!!!!! I legit started crying when I saw it hahhaha

- Ada

You're Home girl is out ! PEACE ✌🏼

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