Ada is best friends with 99goonsquad , She has a secret YOUTUBE channel , She tells goonsquad and tells them she's going on tour , Mikhaella and goonsquad get to go , And other youtubers are gonna be on tour , will she fall for one if them . What h...
Adas pov ) I have to stay in the hospital til 12 PM ughhh . Everyone is asleep , I close my eyes but I just couldn't sleep , I went on twitter and said ' At the hospital ... again Tomorrow I'll BROADCAST what's going on ' . I shut my phone off and try to fall asleep ... I still couldn't sleep , I go on my phone again and look through my photos ( am I the only one who does that when I'm bored ) . I saw a picture of Jonas holding my hand and kissing my cheek , I smile , I kept scrolling down then I see a photo that made my heart ache . A photo of me and my dad At the beach . I smiled at the memory.... It's was TWO YEARS since I have seen him , I miss him like crazy , I feel like my parents are divorced because I don't see my dad AT ALL , I miss him , I want to hug him , I miss him telling me how to play football , I miss him watching the seahawk games with me and explaining It . I sigh , I pull my hair and get the pillow from my side and yelled into it . " EEEEEEEEE WHYYY " I yell into the pillow , " Why W-WHY WHY ! WHY D-DID YOU Leave . I say sniffling ... I feel tears falling , i remove the pillow and put it back where it was , i close my eyes and fell asleep with Tears falling down my Cheeks .
A few hours later ) I woke up and saw everyone looking sad and concerned, " w-what's wrong " I say , " you cried yourself to sleep ... you were crying while sleeping " Jonas says , " Sorry .. I-I just miss M-My Dad " I say frowning , they all nod and hug me .
At the hotel ) We all HURRY and change clothes and get ready for the show which is at 5 and it's 3 , I go the bathroom and shower fast , I go my hair , makeup , I pick a cute outfit .
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( at the show ... place ) We just arrived , I saw fans waiting outside , they starts singing Issues , I starting crying , " Aw don't cry " Julian says rubbing my shoulders , I wipe my tears . " I'll be r-right back " I say , he nods . They all go inside , I walk to the fans , . okay Let's s-sing together and I'll post I-it on snapchat " I say , they nod . " I'm JELOUS , I'm Over JELOUS , when I'm down I get real down , when I'm high I don't come down , I get angry , baby BELIVE me " We all sang , I posted to my snapchat , I say bye to them and walk Inside . Jada sees me crying and hugs me , " Don't cry " She says , " I love my fans so much " I say without stuttering , " Awww '' she says rubbing my back while hugging me still , " omg WHY are you crying " Jonas says , " Fans " JADA says smiling , Jonas smiles and hugs me . My phone buzzes , I check and it's a message from Nathan ..
Baby 🌸❤️ : Hey babe , i had to come back to LA early ... I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye , I kissed your forehead when you were asleep , ily baby , I know you will be amazing I have to go my flight is leaving
Me : aw it's fine , ily , Have a safe flight baby don't forget to text me when you get there.
I put my phone in my pocket and sigh . I wipe my tears, I turn a corner and sit against the wall , " why do I cry so much " I say , " Because ... They mean to you a lot , with out them , you wouldn't be here " I hear someone say , I look up to my left and see jovani , he sits down next to me , I lean my head on his shoulder , " It's okay .. it's normal YOU get emotional with your fans ". he says rubbing my shoulder , I nod . We talk for a while and then get up and walk backstage ,
Skip the All of me pass which is the sound check and all that crap )
" you're next " Tim says passing me the microphone headband thing . I nod , I take a deep breath , I hear Mario finish his performance . They start playing Issues , " ADA ADA ADA ADA " They start Yelling , i flee a tear roll down my cheek , I wipe it and smile wide . I run out to the stage , everyone goes crazy , " O-OKAY let's play a g-game ... Truth or dare ... or n-never have I e-ever '' I say , " Truth or dare " everyone yells , I nod . I get a microphone and I pick fans , "Truth or dare " a supporter says , " Ummmmm ... T-Truth " I say smiling , " Is it true that you are writing more songs " She asks , I nod . I choose a few more . I start singing issues , everyone starts singing . I get off stage and start smiling and crying of happiness .
After the meet and greet ) We get in a uber and drive to the hotel , I look back and see fans running after us , I start recording them , I post it on my snapchat . We get to the hotel and I run to my room and jump on the bed and watch TV ... We have to leave in a hour to go to Miami Florida . Which is about 4 hour away from here or so ( I don't live in Florida so idk how far it is from each other so sorry if it's wrong ) . I change into some Grey sweats and the matching crop top with the set . I get my chips from my luggage and start eating them . Jovani walks in with his head down and jumps in the bed ... but he didn't see me , so he jumped on me , and on accident he kissed me . " AGHH " He yells getting up , I lay there ... shocked .... we just kissed , he is dating someone and so am I . " omg .. I'm sorry I didn't see you " he says pulling on his hair , " it's o-okay " I say blushing a lot . He nods and sits next to me ... it was kinda awkward ..... nah I, nit gonna lie it was HELLLLLLLA AWKWARD. ... I coughed , " oh bless you " jovani says , " I coughed " I say chuckling , " oh " he say blushing but smiling , we both chuckle . I lean on his shoulder and he leans on my head .. we both fell asleep until we heard something ..