Chapter 14: Semily? Anyone?

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"Sup Beck", I say as she approaches oddly alone, "Where're Sam and Em."

"Uhh I don't know. They went to talk then Em stormed off and Sam said to just go home without them.", Beck gets into my car, "I get that they fucked and all but what's going on with them? You semi fuck Em all the time, right? And you guys don't fight."

"Hey watch what you're saying there. I don't want my girlfriend to misunderstand this sort of thing. I used to semi fuck Em. Not anymore. Anyways, I think Sam's mad at Em. Em was really upset in class.", I pull into Beck's driveway.

"Well they need to get their shit together. I'll be dammed if I'm stuck third wheeling you and your new girlfriend from now on.", she taps my car, "See you around Kade."

"See ya.", I pull out of her driveway and head home.

My HDS beeps:

ForbiddenFruit: Let's go on a date.

OhKaiDen: k when?

ForbiddenFruit: now.

OhKaiDen: lol ok. Where?

ForbiddenFruit: I saw a PF on my way. Let's go there.

OhKaiDen: k where r u? I'll pick you up.

ForbiddenFruit: home. I'll send you my address.

I pull back out of my driveway.



"We need to talk", Sam says and grabs my arm, leading me around the corner.

Is she not mad anymore? I feel my heart jump when her green eyes gaze down at me.

"Yeah Sam? What is it? Wanted to tell me how good it was the other night?", I tease.

"No Em. I need time to think. Y'know without you around. I mean I always lecture you about your promiscuity but there I was contributing to it."

"What?", my jaw drops, "You want me to stop hanging with you guys?"

"No! No I...Look Jack-o-lantern may be an ass but she's your ass. You need to be more faithful to her. I know she loves you. She just...has a hard time showing it. What with the way you're always acting."

I clench my jaw and fists. Jackaline loves me? You don't know the half of it. Just because you two go back doesn't mean shit to me. How do you love someone with your fist?

"I'm just going to separate from the group for a little while. Like at lunch and such. The other night was was a big big mistake on my part. I really took advantage of the situation and-"


I shut my mouth. I almost said something that I'll regret. I swallow hard, "Fuck you Sam", I push her, "FUCK YOU!!"

What about me? Why the hell did I almost say that? What was I expecting? Hasn't it always been about Jackaline? Since she introduced us.

I walk home by myself and let my tears fall. Why? Why doesn't anyone care about me? No one. No one really cares. No one loves me. It's never me. I get that everyone thinks I'm a disgusting waste of space.

I get inside and, as usual, ma's not here. Looks like Jackaline is though. I walk to the garage and lean against the doorframe.

I smile,"Hey Jackaline."

She looks up from her HDS and smiles back, "Hey Emma."

I was going to have a plan. Like Kade said. I was going to take her to a public place first but now...

Maybe she'll finish me off this time. That's the perfect ending for an unloved, disgusting, worthless piece of shit like me, right?

I smile and step into the garage, "Jackaline. I want to breakup. For good this time. And I don't want you to ever come back here again."

I laugh as she gets up, dropping her HDS on my mattress. I laugh even harder at her face. It's full of disgust. I feel it before I see it. Her fist connecting with my head.

I fall to the floor and I can hear ringing in my ears. Everything's a blur. Jackaline grabs me by the shirt and holds me up as her fist rains down on me like the flames on sodom and gomorrah. I hear myself screaming, calling for help. But it's like I'm watching it happen to myself.

There's a loud bang from far away and just before everything goes dark I feel like I see Sam. At least I'm gifted with the vision of her face in my final moments.

I open my eyes and everything's white. I must be in a hospital because there's no way I'm going to heaven. I feel cold everywhere besides my hand. I look over and see that someone's gripping my hand.

"Sam?", my voice is hoarse and my throat is killing me.

She looks up immediately, "Em!", she pulls me into her arms and my body goes from cold and numb to searing pain everywhere.

"Agh!", I croak out.

"Oh sorry.", she let's me down.

"What happened? How am I in the hospital? No why? I can't afford this.", everything comes out in bits.

"Don't worry about it. I'm paying. I have a lot of savings for college and shit."

"What? S-Sam..."

"Don't worry about it Em. I followed you home, okay? I heard you screaming when I got to the front of your house and, I fucked up your garage, sorry about that. I-", there's a knock and we both look up at the entering nurse.


I open my mouth to speak but my throat hurts too much for anything to come out.

"Yes. This is Emily", Sam answers for me.

"Well I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?"

"Bad.", Sam says, gripping my hand again.

"You have a nasal fracture, a minor concussion, a busted lip, and two black eyes. We'll prescribe something for the pain and some antibiotics. The good news is that you are going to be okay.", Sam sighs in relief, "We suggest that you refrain from any strenuous activity until we give you the okay. That means no school, sports, etcetera."

"Thank you!", Sam holds my hand to her head, "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much."

"No problem. Oh and Samantha, your mothers are outside and they're ready when you are. Emily is discharged."

"Thank you."

"Do you need a chair?"

Sam turns to me and before I can answer she turns away, "Yes."

The nurse brings in a wheelchair and Sam tries to help me into it but the nurse tells her that it's against protocol.

I'm wheeled out to Sam's mothers who know me well since I always come over.

"Hiya honey! If you were havin' a hard time at home you could've told us. You're such a sweet girl, of course we'd take you in.", her mama says.

"Not to mention the fact that we've always wanted our little Sammy to care about something. I mean she's not involved in anything. I'm just glad that she cares about someone who we approve of.", her mom says starting up the car.

"Please don't go on and on right now. She probably has a searing headache right now. She needs peace.", Sam says.

"She needs peace", her mama mocks and I smile. I guess staying with this family isn't so bad after all.

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