Beauty Doesn't take time

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  "Oh come on baby! You look beautiful no matter what!"

  Shawn called through the bathroom door, I studied myself in the mirror, crap was my only thought.

  "Shawn, I haven't seen her in months!"

  I called back, it was silent on his side of the door for a few moments.

  "Hun, she's your mother!"

  He called back, and I knew he was right, but my mom finally wanted to see me again.

  I wanted her at my wedding and I wanted to set things straight between the two of us.

  "Fine okay, come in!"

  I called after a few seconds of debating.

  Shawn's eyes landed on me seconds after he opened the bathroom door.

He raised his eyes brows as he looked me up and down.


  Be whispered as he slowly approached me, I could already feel my cheeks turning bright red.

  "Oh shut up!"

  I giggled out, I playfully punched him in the arm only causing him to laugh harder

  "No baby, I'm serious you're beautiful."

He whispered, he slowly leaned in and his lips landed on mine seconds later.

  He kissed me softly, his hands trailed down to my hips and he pulled me closer to his chest.

  After he pulled back, we both couldn't wipe the love sick grins off our faces.

  That night we were having my mom over for dinner.

  I had dressed up nicely in a blue flowing dress with black heels.

   I had straightened my long golden hair and perfected my makeup.

  "You were wrong."

Shawn whispered seconds later leaving me confused.


I questioned, his grin only widened.

  "Beauty doesn't take time."

(I'm crying! If you read the first book you know what I'm talking about!😭)

  "I love you."

  I whispered, he smiled and kissed me once more.

  "I love you too my princess."

  He whispered back, I couldn't help but giggle as I watched his cheeks turn a light pink.

  I ran my fingertips across his jawline, and he continued to smile down at me with his hands glued to my sides.


  I giggled out as his hands trailed up to my armpits, he began to tickle me softly.

  "Maybe I love hearing you laugh."

He sighed out with that killer smirk of his.

  "Maybe, I don't like letting you win."

I whispered back, his smirk only seemed to grow with lust as I continued to stare into his eyes.


The doorbell sounded, my mom had arrived.

  "Come on."

Shawn said breaking the eye contact, his hand floated to my back and he led the two of us to the front door of our apartment.


  He asked quietly, I slowly nodded and watched as he reached for the doorknob.

  He slowly pulled it open revealing my mother, a fake smile plastered across her face along with a surprise mystery guy beside her.

Let the final book begin!
Comment what ya think!
-Author B

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