An Upset Looking Scarlett

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I heard the front door shut, and watched as an upset Scarlett made her way for our bedroom with tears streaming down her face.

I excused myself from the table and quickly followed after her making sure none of our guests noticed.

I lightly knocked on the door before entering our room.

Scarlett was perched delicately on the center of our queen sized bed.

Her knees where brought up to her chest and her head rested atop them, as she held her arms tightly around her legs.


I asked quietly, her head rapidly shot up and she quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"What's wrong love?"

I asked, I slowly approached the bed and took a seat on the mattress to face her.

I could tell she was on edge and upset about something.

Did something happen with Niall?


She sighed out, I waited for her to continue.

"Shawn! Scarlett!"

Someone called from the living room, my head turned to look at the door.

My Dad peered through the door and smiled in at us.

"Your guests are wondering where you two headed off to."

He told us lowly, I nodded and Baylee scooted herself off of the bed.

I followed and we both left the bedroom not finishing our conversation about Niall.

What had he done?

Scarlett was quiet as we took our seats on the couch in the living room.

Our family and friends chatted all around us, all obviously excited about the wedding to come.

I grabbed Scarlett's hand has we sat quietly beside each other, I entwined our fingers lightly together and sighed softly.

I just needed to know what had gone down with Niall.

My plan was to call him once things died down at the apartment.

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