Oh No Niall

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Scarlett was taking a little too long at the door, so a little curious I headed that way.

My eyes widened once I spotted a drunk Niall at our doorstep.

Scarlett was trying her best to keep the door closed enough to block him from coming in.

The last thing we needed was for our guests to see drunk Niall.

I quickly made my way to them and ushered Scarlett outside.

"Niall, what the hell man?"

I asked a little angry, Niall met my eyes and smiled a drunken smile.

"I was invited."

He said, his eyes then landed on Scarlett.

"Ni, running away after that kiss, was me uninviting you."

Scarlett told him, Niall seemed surprised that I knew about their little moment the other day.

"You need to leave."

I told him after a moment had passed.

Our guests were probably wondering where we went off to.

"Shawn, he can barely walk, let alone leave on his own."

Scarlett told me quietly, Niall laughed and fell against the wall.


Scarlett called, I quickly helped him up to his feet and slung one of his arms over my shoulder.

"What are we supposed to do with him?"

I asked out of breath.

"We could somehow get him in our room, nobody will go in there?"

She asked aloud, more to herself then me.

I nodded.

"But how in the hell are we supposed to get him past everyone?"

I questioned, Scarlett smiled her heaven like smile and hurriedly opened the door.

"I'll distract everyone, stay here for a minute then bring him in."

She whispered, I nodded and watched as she managed to leave the front door open a crack.

"Hey everyone, I'd like to say a few things!"

I heard her speak up moments later.

After a minute had passed, Niall was practically passed out and I began to drag him into the apartment.

Scarlett had somehow managed to get everyone to face towards the windows where she was standing.

With everyone's attention on her, I hurriedly carried Niall down the hallway and into our bedroom.

I threw him onto the bed and quickly abandoned the room locking the door in the process.

"Again I'm so thankful for all of you coming out and sharing Shawn and I's special day!"

Scarlett had ended her speech and I let out a sigh of relief.

Scarlett slowly approached me and pecked my cheek.

"Thank you for that."

She whispered, I smiled down at her.

I knew how much she cared for Niall, but he was an ass for showing up at our reception drunk.

We'd have to sort him out in the morning.

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