Las Vegas, Nevada Part l

4.9K 171 27


Location- Airport

Time- 7:23pm

Date- May 23, 2014


Jayla POV

Fuck. I'm scared of heights, and most diffidently planes. So, there first concert is in Las Vegas, Nevada. We have to take the plane, because my uncle said the tour buses were left in Las Vegas for whatever reason.

We got in line for our pass to Nevada. "How many ?" The lady behind the desk asked. "Uh, Seven please." She handed us our passes, as my uncle hand them to us to put them up. "The flight to Nevada is delayed for two hours. By the way."

So, now we have to sit in the airport for two EXTRA hours. That means the plane will be here around 10 something. All of us went to sit down. They all sat by my uncle, but I sat like three seats down from them. My phone was on 50%, and when it went dead I was so freaking bored.

"OMG, its mindless behavior." Some girl said, while making her way over to us. She looked as if she was 15 or 16. Aren't you a little to old to be fan girling ? "Can I get a picture?" She asked. "Sure, what's your name ?" Princeton asked.

"A-A-Aaliyah." She stuttered due to the fact the Princeton just asked her for her name. "Pretty name." "OMG, thank you Princeton." They took the picture, and she quickly said bye. Was it really that serious ?

Finally our plane got here. Even thought I was scared to ride, I still was ready to get out of the airport. My seat was 5F, and my uncle's was 3A. Not only do I have to get on a plane, I also have to sit by a stranger.

I sat down, and closed my eyes to relax my mind. I felt someone sit next to me, but I didn't open my eyes. What if its some fat guy, or some talkative ass person ? I don't want them to know I'm awake.

I was relaxed, until I felt the plane lift off of the ground. I jumped up, as soon as I felt that. "Its okay." The person beside me laughed. I turned my head, and saw Prodigy. I just turned the opposite direction, and tried to get comfortable.

I was so close to being sleep, until the plane shook some. I rose up so fast, and I accidentally grabbed, and squeezed Prodigy hand. "I used to be scared too, don't worry everything is alright." He smiled.

I looked at him for a minute, then laid back down. I guess I went to sleep, because I was awoken by my uncle shaking me. "Come on Jayla." I got up, and grabbed my suit cases and made my way off the plane.

"What time is it, Unc ?" "Its one-twelve in the morning." "Where we going ?" "Straight to a hotel, and then we have to wake up at like five something to get the boys ready for a interview at six ten. After, the interview the boys have rehearsal."

Dang, this is to much for a summer break. I'm freaking TIRED its one in the morning, and I'm suppose to be sleep. I hate my mom for this...just wait till I get back home. I got her ass.

Everybody was on the bus knocked the fudge out...see I don't curse. When we got our rooms to the hotel...I left everybody. I went on the elevator, and got off on the fourth floor.

"Room 453." I said to myself, swiping the card aka key, and opening the door. I kicked off my shoes, and plugged up my phone. Then, I was gone for the night.


Location- Hotel

Time- 5:11am

Date- May 24, 2014


Princeton POV

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