(Lyssa POV)
Oliver held my hand as we followed the older woman into the big, dirty library. Madame Raja went to one of the numerous dusty bookcases in the large room. She pulled out a thick book with a faded green spine that looked like it hadn't been touched for centuries. The edges of the pages had been dipped in silver long ago so they shined in the dim light.
The woman blew the dust off of the dull cover and set it down on the table in the center of the room. She began flipping through the near-ancient pages and stopped on one with a peculiar illustration. She flipped the book in our direction so that Oliver and I could see the image correctly.
"You two have a lot of questions, I know. So, allow me to begin explaining," Madame Raja began to speak. "The way that Lyssa obtained her abilities is what is called a 'nosarkusi'. This happens when you are in the blood line of someone of great power."
I nodded quietly, "Did my mother have these abilities?"
"No, these types of things tend to skip many generations," she explained. "What happened to Oliver is called a 'kāli'. Mark had his nosarkusi around a month before Lyssa. Like the both of you, his power will increase gradually with time. He is reserving his abilities and energy. What he did last night is an example."
I looked towards Oliver and he squeezed my hand tightly, making me feel safe.
"He wanted to taunt you, haunt your mind and try to find what sparks you. He could have been just poking fun, but there could also be a dark reason for this. Mark is being very strategic about everything. He definitely has a plan. Unfortunately, we don't know what it is," Madame Raja finished.
Oliver spoke up after a moment of silence and let go of my cold hand, "How are we supposed to prepare for this without knowing his plan?"
"The most we can do is train and try to develop your abilities before he reaches his full potential or potenciāls. We might not have much time," the small woman sighed.
I looked to Oliver and caught his gaze as I realized that we were thinking the same thing, "Let's get started."
Hey guys! It feels so good to be finally updating again. I've been very busy, lately and I decided that I wasn't going to bed until I finished this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. If you don't want any spoilers as to what is going on, then do not look up any of the words that are in Latvian. Don't say I didn't warn you. Thank you all for so much support and love. I feel so happy, now and I love it! Please don't forget to:
I love you, Fireballs!
Signing off,
Jess ;)

Escaping Fate
FantasyWhen a mysterious man shows up at your house and moves a knife blade to kill your family without touching it, you know you have a problem. Lyssa is going on an adventure with her best friend to seek vengeance for her family. This story involves murd...