(Oliver POV)
*knock, knock, knock*
"Mmh..." I sat up slightly hearing a series of knocks.
*knock, knock, knock*
There it is again... "Is someone there?" I asked sleepily. I was answered and rolled over, putting my arms around Lyssa's small waist.
I was halfway asleep when I heard the door open. "Who's there?" I asked wearily.
I only got silence as an answer. I squinted my eyes as I looked around the dark room. I started to get a little worried when I didn't see anything.
"What's wrong, Oliver?" a very familiar voice asked tauntingly. "Are you scared?" The same voice chuckled slightly.
"Go away, Mark. We don't want you here," I spoke in the most steady voice I could manage.
"Speak for yourself," he snapped. "I don't think Lyssa minds my presence..." I then saw a shadow on the side of the wall closest to said girl.
"Leave her alone," I barked. "She told me what you did to her. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want you near her."
"She told you that?" Mark inquired with an echo. I think he's in my head, now. "Did she tell you how much she wanted it? Even as a little girl, I could see that she wanted me. Such a needy child..."
I sat there disgusted, "You're sick! You know that! She never wanted you!"
I could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke, "She'll want me more than she will ever want you."
I couldn't take his taunting anymore and I screamed, putting my hands on the back of my head, "Get out! Leave me alone!!"
He chuckled slightly as I panted, "You know I'm right. You just don't want to admit it."
"Get out!!" I screamed again.
"Just face it, Oliver. She will never love you. Ever," He laughed as I continued to scream, now pulling on my hair.
"Get out! Get out! Get out!" I screamed repeatedly as tears ran down my face. His hateful laughter echoed in my head as I sobbed screaming.
I felt a hand on my back and I turned around sharply.
"Hey..." I heard Lyssa's voice as I continued sobbing. "Ssh... It's okay, sweetie..." I started to calm down slightly. I loved it when Lyssa comforted me like this.
I cried as she pulled me into her embrace. I buried my face in her chest. What? I'm a teenage boy. This is the only time I can get away with this!
I heard footsteps and soon Madame Raja spoke worriedly, "What's going on?"
I felt Lyssa shrug her shoulders as I tried to calm down, "I woke up and Oliver was screaming and pulling on his hair."
I whimpered slightly and felt Lyssa's grip tighten. I feel like such a baby, but this feels so good... And... So right...
"Ssh..." she comforted me. I sniffled and nodded slightly.
I heard Madame Raja sigh, "We'll talk about this in the morning, but for now, you need to sleep."
Lyssa nodded and said goodnight before laying back down with my head on her chest.
"I-I'm sorry, for w-waking you u-up," I apologized.
She smiled slightly, "You don't have to apologize. I'm here for you."
I smiled gently and kissed her cheek before wrapping my arms around her waist and laying my head back on her chest.
"Goodnight, Oliver," she said and I could see the slight blush on her face.
She yawned and fell asleep shortly, "Goodnight my love..."
I joined her in sleep, Mark's laughter still sounding in my head.
Hey guys! Aren't you proud of me! I finished it in an hour or so! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I hated not writing for so long and it feels good to be back in the swing of things.
I've been dealing with some things lately and I just haven't been feeling up to much of anything. I'm really sorry that I haven't updated.
Thwres a slight chance that I might be going back to my YouTube channel as well, so watch out for that notification. Again, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Please don't forget to:
Love you, fireballs!
Signing off,
Jess ;)

Escaping Fate
FantasyWhen a mysterious man shows up at your house and moves a knife blade to kill your family without touching it, you know you have a problem. Lyssa is going on an adventure with her best friend to seek vengeance for her family. This story involves murd...