Forget me not

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With a gloom hanging over she plopped down in her seat as the school bell rang for class.

"Oh my," On student comment, "Is that Serinuma?"

"She looks terrible," One said,"Did she lose even more weight?"

"Oh and of course she'd come on a Friday! Now she'll have the weekend to make up all her work," One chimed in.

"I know, how awful!" another agreed.

Nanashima sat in his chair as he propped his head on his palm, Serinuma... He thought as his eyes trailed over to his friend, You don't look like yourself.

Suddenly Shinomiya's face popped up into Nanashima's head as he plopped his head down and his hands turned into fist on the edge of the desk, And It's all your fault!

Serinuma doesn't need this kind of burden! Dragging her down thinking everything is her fault!? That's bullshit! Now she's so worried she's making herself waste away! That's unforgivable! ...I swear if I see Shinomiya's mug again...I'll....

Nanashima stared at his fist unable to think clearly. I'll do what?

His eyes turned to Serinuma as she hatched over her work with a pen in hand. She stared at the paper which it was obvious she could hardly concentrate.

Nanashima took his fist as he pulled it under his desk, No...I wouldn't dare to try to make Serinuma more upset than she already is...

Igarashi and Mutsumi sat in there sits as they too stared at Serinuma with concern.

The rest of the morning went as quickly as it begun, Serinuma desperately tried her very best in her studies. But it wasn't until during lunch she burnt up her fumes.

"SERINUMA!" Nishina exclaimed as she saw her sitting at the lunch table with her head down.

"Oh I MISSED YOU SO!" Nishina exclaimed wrapping her arms around her in a bear hug.

"Hey be careful now," Igarashi said with a slight polite chuckle.

"Hey Nishina, lay off man!" Nanashima put his arm around Serinuma in an attempt to protect.

"You called me a what!?" Nishina protested.

"Nanashima," Mutsumi said,"It's strange you called Nishina a man...Why'd you say that?" Mutsumi titled his head to the side.

"YOU BASTARD HOW DARE YOU!" Nishina exclaimed.


"H..hey now, Let's calm down children," Igarashi said with his hands up.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" Nanashima and Nishina said on cue as threw voices blow back his hair.

"HEY, DON'T YELL AT ME!" Igarashi protested.

Mustsumi smiled gently as he giggled,"It's nice to see them back to normal. What about you Serinuma? Isn't it great to see your friends?" He asked with a gentle smile.

Serinuma flickered her eyes wide, as she looked up to see most of her friends.


She looked at him for the first time it what it seems like in forever.

His always right...How could I be so selfish?.....

She looked to her friends who all stared at her with concern.

My friends...The one's who are here are trying so hard to cheer me up...How could I sit here and act like I'm the only one alone in this...I'm sure they are all going through the same thing! Shinomiya wasn't taken from just me...Shinomiya was taken away from all of us!

Hayato Shinomiya is MISSINGWhere stories live. Discover now