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She was a ghost who dances freely in the night. Her soft skin reflected the light of the moon as she danced with a smile on her face. She danced freely around the bonfire on the beach, Serimuna's happy smiled returned in his mind.

The songs of birds chipped in the distance woke him up from his slumber. Igarashi sat up as he rubbed his eyes, Serimuna...

These pass few days had been filled with joy and laughter, Igarashi recalling the moments of the beach. 

It was true, despite the heavy burden of their missing friend, Serimuna had unconsciously blocked out all the traumatic events of Shinomiya's abduction of from her mind. Which allowed Serimuna to feel once again. But one question lurked in all of their minds...

If Shinomiya is discovered...Won't it trigger something in Serimuna? And if so, will she be strong enough to cope with such a heavy burden?  

Igarashi clenched his fist.

Is it best if she forgot about Shinomiya? 

Igarashi flickered his eyes to his phone.

People in group Chat: Nanashima, Mutsumi, Nishina, and Igarasghi. 

Igarasghi: Hey, I think we all need to have a meeting... 

Nanashima: (=_=) Wtf? y? N WHO made u King!?

Nishina: (>[_]<) stfu Nanashima! (0 o 0)-Is everything alright Igarashi?

Mutsumi: (^~^') Now guys lets not have any conflicts here. We are all here for Serimuna's sake after all... 

Nishina: So what's the plan?


They all sat in a booth of Donny's Diner as Igarashi rested his hands on the table,"The reason I called everyone here is for Serinuma to rekindle the memory of Shinomiya," 

"Shinomiya?" Nanashima questioned,"Rekindle?"

"Igarashi has a point," Nishina said,"I feel guilty to act like Shinomiya didn't exist," 

"But everything is back to normal," Nanashima said. 

"But it's not," Nishina said.

"Nanashima, don't forget that Shinomiya is our friend too," Mutsumi said gently. 

Nanashima looked away.

"I understand where your coming from Nanashima, but I'm worried that whenever Shinomiya's cast is solved that it will leave a impact on Serinuma's life." Igarashi said. 

"what are you planning on doing?" Nishina asked.

"I think we should tell her about Shinomiya, before any news about his whereabouts leak out," Igarashi said. 

"I'm not sure if that's best," Mutsumi said,"Perhaps we can show her a picture and slowly regain her memory...If she is under some sort of stress and if she has too much of it then perhaps that would be more harm then good." Mutsumi explained.

"That may be true but whats more important is that she needs to uncover the memory of Shinomiya now..before..," Nishina trailed off. 

"Before what?" Nanashima question.

"Before...he's found," Ninshina explain,"We don't now whether or not Shinomiya is alive or dead...and its our job to prepare Serinuma for the truth," Nishina clenched a fist,"Regardless if he is alive we don't know if he'll ever be the same after what he went through. Or if he is..gone..." Nishina paused,"Nevertheless we can't sugar coat anything around her anymore. We are all putting on a fake show in front of her because we are all too afraid to hurt her. But more importantly, we can't step on eggshells forever. And its about time we know that." 

Nanashima blinked in amaze,"You're right." He looked down at his own hands,"This whole time I've been blaming Shinomiya for Serinuma's sadness when I didn't even consider what Shinomiya had been facing," Nanashima suddenly put a hand over his eyes as he rest his elbow on the table.

I'm a blind fool, Nanashima thought, But above all...I can't dwell on myself...because there is something bigger than me.


(A/N): Hey everyone sorry for the late update and the short chapter but i'm currently working two jobs and going to school-So I will update as soon as I can but in the meantime thank you for reading! :)

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