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Shinomiya sat in the booth, he felt pressured by everyone's worried glances. He was happy to see them, but it was that every look of pity, he despised.

Shinomiya sighed, "Please...don't look at me like I'm a victim," he stated, but he knew not everyone stared the same expression. There were only two faces he notices that didn't give him that look. Riku and Nanashima didn't stare at him with that sad, pitty expression unlike everyone else.

"You're right," Serinuma said.

Riku reached out his hand and gently touched Shinoniays hand, "You're so much more that a victim," he stated, "You're my hero."

Shinomiya gently pulled away and blushed awkwardly, "yeah right, youre the only who actually escaped," as he shook his head fismissing the memeroy of Riku being shot. His hands turn into fist,"no, not again," he murmured, his head was hung low for a moment then ironically forced a smile as he pulled his head up, " So, what's new?" 

It was silent for a good moment before he heard it.

"Well, for starters...we are all looking into universities," Mitsumi stated pulling his fingers through his hair. 

"Ohh," Shinomiya said sounding sad. He realized he wouldn't have had the chance, now that he had missed two whole years of school. But despite everything that had happened, the time that was missed, he could not deny the warm sensation deep in his bones. That warm cozy feeling you get when you feel it. For the first time in a long time, he felt safe. 

"well, I'm happy to hear that," Shinomiya said beaming,"I guess I'm proud of you all," 

"Sure thing, Dad," Igarashi said. 

Shinomiya smiled,"you guys are growing up...sometimes I forget and it feels like yer all moving on without me..." he said almost to himself.

"Well...thats a part of growing up, even if it might feel cruel or unfair. We all just have to move on. We couldn't stay in the frist year forever," Nishina said.

"Nishina!" Serinuma cried out,"don't be so mean!"

"No, she's right," Shinomiya said,"it's logical, even if I had died you'd have to move on," he said.

There was an awkward eerie silence that no one could break until,"but hey! That's enough about that. are things going?"

"Its going good, oh! And Thor would be happy to see you," Mitsumi said,"when should I bring her by?"

Shinomiya blink,"Thor?..." He stood up from the booth as he slammed his hands on the table,"SHE'S STILL ALIVE!?"

Mutsumi and the others chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"But...," Shinomiya relaxed his structure as he stated,"she might be heartbroken to have to be rehomed again...amd if she has grown an attachment to you...I dont want to have Thor go through all that again.."

"But, Thor is originally your lizard, I thought you'd be happy to have her back," Nishina said.

"Look, it's only been a few days since I got back and..," Shinomiya turned his head away,"I'm not capable to look after Thor...I barely know what it's like to take care of myself," Shinomiya said.

Iragasha eyes Nishina almost as if he was telepathically taking her,"his been through some shit, remeber?"

Nishina nodded, sympathizing.

A lot had changed. There was a strange situation within the room, which almost distance itself. Shimoyia was like a floaty floating in the oceanamd his friends was like an island. But when the tides picked up, it'd push Shinomiya pit farther to see, distancing himself from that paradise island he once lived one. And let's face it, floaties can't swim.

A/n: im sorry this chapter is short I just have a lot of stuff I want to get through before I go out of town this weekend for the holidays! Please forgive me, and I also had this chapter up for ever in my drafts!

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