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Shinomiya went home that night, the first time in two years. Ideally, it would be best if he sought medical attention, but due to all of his experiences and pass struggles, Mrs. Shinomiya couldn't bear to see his son through a glass window. And finally, for the first time in two years, he slept throughout the night, and Mrs. Shinomiya didn't dear to disturb him. Even when his father rushed him to his wife, his wife just shook her head,"His overwhelmed as it is, he just needs his rest."

"I understand," Mr. Shinomiya said.

From that point onwards, Shinomiya's life was changed forever. And the old Shinomiya became nothing more but a blurred distorted figure of his imagination. He too became something more Alien.


The next day, Shinomiya flickered his eyes as he shot up from the bed, "Oh thank god, I'm home..."

"Hayatooo, " He heard his mother's voice calling for him as she brought it a tray with breakfast food on it.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Breakfast in bed, I thought you might need the rest." His mother said.

"Oh, but...," Shinomiya cringed remembering the dirty motels and the cockroaches and the filth,"...isn't that disgusting?"

"Oh! If you want to eat in the kitchen, that'll be fine too!" She said as she took the plate, How could I not think of his own feelings...

Mr. Shinomiya and Mrs. Shinomiya blinked as they stared oddly at their son as they watched him eat.

Shinomiya was scarfing the food down his throat as if he hadn't eaten in days.

But when he finally took the jacket off his shoulders, he had nothing but scares all over his body.

Mrs. Shinomiya place her cupnof coffee down as she excused herself from the table. She walked into the bathroom closed the door as she started to silently sob to herself. Those scares, and his behavoir are all to unfamiliar. What had happened to him? Did Mrs. Shinomiya wanted to know what Hayato been dealing with this past years?

"Hayato," his father's voice altered him from his eating habnit, as he looked up to him like a dog looking to his master,"yes?"

"You know, you can be comfortable here. You don't have to rush your food," his father said with a gentle smile.

"Oh," Hayato looked down as he didn't realized he was eating like a prisoner.

"I'm sorry, I'll be good," the words escaped his mouth out of habit, but when he looked at his father he saw tears in his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry-I didn't mean...," Hayato looked down from his father has he coached his hands under the table. Oddly enough he turn from the table as he left the room, embrassed and completely awkward.

He walked into the bathroom and saw that strange in the mirror.

"Had it been two years?" Shinomiya stared that the face in the mirror.

His face hadn't aged much, but it was those dark circles under his eyes and his hair to his shoulders, that was only natural for people to mistake him for a stranger or perhaps even a girl. He grew a total of four inches over the two years, and he reminded the slim small stretcher as he stood wearing the same clothes since he was 15 years old.

"What was that detective saying to me?" He wondered out loud as he sat on the edge of the bath and rubbed his head recalling those words.

"Satsuma has been dead for some time,"

Hayato Shinomiya is MISSINGWhere stories live. Discover now