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The ocean once a magical special place filled with the finest fish and life. But thanks to modern day society, the ocean is now the next level trash site for humans. The Japanese government disposes of almost 100,000 metric tons of seaside trash annually. Much of this originates from China, which, alongside Indonesia, is generally considered one of the largest producers of mismanaged plastic waste, generating about 8.82 million metric tons in 2010. Trash can be found on the coastlines of Kyushu and Honshu, while nearly 80% of seaside debris found in Okinawa Prefecture is believed to have originated from China. Which leads Captian Sukozi Fukue and his team out on the waters, cleaning up the ocean.

The boat horn signal was loud and eerie as if it was a cry from a wild animal. It was half passed 5 in the morning, air thicken of cold fog that covered the boat and the murky waters. The boat appeared with a dark grey shadow and a light which glowed like a ghost in the distance. The boat was heading to the docks, delivering 500 pounds of plastics and waste along with catching, examining and tagging the local fish. But what the fishermen didn't know was just among the waste, a single suite case lean to its side.

Captains Fukue's team, are not only clean up crew but they also have a fishing system. Capturing fish and tagging them, then collecting the dead fish into containers, were yhe fish would be shipped off to a lab to examime their deit. If fish consumes plastic and we eat the fish, we are also techinally eating plastic. And it would take years for any plastic would ever decompose.

Appoarching the docks the crew dropped a bridge onto the decks and gather everything up to head to the wasteside properly dispose of their trash.

"Okay, this is a good stop for us," the captain said, "Let's round up our collectibles." He and two other men had approached the trash line as they pulled the lining and released the trash on deck. In all that trash of cans, some tiny small fish, old fishing hooks, some shells.

Just behind the captain the large suite case sat at an angel leading forwards almost as if it had a sercet to tell. When, ironically, the weight of the suite case fall forwards gaining it to flip off the small like of trash, landing behind Captian almost getting his attention. The caption turned to look at this odd suitecase. It looked weathered down and old. But what caught his attention was that there was a tag still attached to the case which read,"do not open".

The caption rised a brow,"that's odd,"

"What's wrong?" one of the men asked.

"The only time I see a case like that...if someone didn't want anyone to find whatever is in that case."

"Money?" the other man asked.

"Or drugs, firearms, maybe its full of stolen items," The captain said.

The other man shot a grin as he then grabbed the end of the zipper as he pulled it back, the top unfolded releasing a smell that filled their noses and turns their stomachs.

"Cap, is that..?" one of the men stood in horror as he took a step back.

A naked cold male body was stuffed inside that case, arms crossed over the face, white skin riddled with vines of blue and purple pigments indicating that this male had been deceased for some time.

"should we call 911?" One man asked the other," Or a corner?"

The captain pulled his mobile from his back pocket as he dialed the only number he knew in this situation.

She was sitting in her office assorting paperwork when Lin Lieu received the call, "Hello?"

"Oh? Where?" She asked with raised eyebrows as she pulled a note off her ask and a pen, jotting down the current location.

Mrs. Lieu a current investigator at the MBCIS who ironically works in the cold case department she arranged a meeting.


"So, you called to see me?" A tall muscular man said who stood in the door frame of the Croner's office.

"Ah, Mr. Moriyama a pleaser to see you," Mr. Calvin said with a wide grin across his elderly lips. Mr. Calvin a current corner who works for the MBCIS, had often met Mr. Moriyama in the past with previous cases, "I'm glad you stopped by. You and your team are still investigating the Shinomiya case?"

"There seems to be a missing link within the investigation," Mr. Moriyama said bluntly.

"well, looks like I might have found your missing link," Mr. Calvin said as he opens the morgue steel door and pulled out a slab table with a white sheet, "A cleaning crew found this body inside a suitcase. I took DNA sample and it's a match for-" But Mr. Calvin was interrupted.

"Kubora Satsuma," Mr. Moriyama signed.

"You know the cause of death?"

"The autopsy report shows blunt force trauma to the head and contusion of cervical vertebrae. With his Atlas and Axis shattered. But to be blunt he suffered from a head injury and a broken neck, which would cause massive hemorrhaging ( blood loss). Looks like he's been dead for about a month." Mr Calvin said.

That would explain the blood found on Shinomiya however, why did he go as far as dumping his body? How would he have the strength to do it? And why? Why not leave the body there and get help? what was he thinking?

"Mr. Moriyama?" Mr. Calvin asked, "Are you alright?"

"Oh, Yes I'm fine," Mr. Moriyama said, "I just have to write a report on this,"

"I'll be happy to send you the details via fax," Mr. Calvin said, "...and that's all to conclude on the death of Satsuma," Mr. Calvin said.

"I'll be looking forward to the report," Mr. Moriyama said as he turns and left from the morgue.

The entire walk to his car, He was visited with images of what could have happened and what did happen according to Riku Satoshi's statement.

Regardless of the situation, he killed someone and even went and beyond to hide the body.


A/N: well if you're just tuning in and forgot the worries bc i forgot what i wrote too, but anyaways....Shinomiya killed Satusma *whoop whoop* and he dead! yay the end. JUst kidding i'll be back for more, ive been super busy by being lazy.... jk jk but i have been busy and just want to end this but my brain won't let me so i gotta finish this on a good note :) Hopefully can rap it all up in the next few chapters- and happy new years! OMG still not finished! no worries kittens anyways i want to start on my other fan fic i have in the process. So sorry if you think this is going down hill, im sorry i just want to wrap it up :) Hope you enjoy! Stay strange my kittens!

Also, I'm too lazy correct my grammar, thank you ssssooo much for wasting your time trying to correct me :D Thanks!

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