Letters They Wrote

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Shinomiya had spent the whole day yesterday talking to Riku on the phone. It was something he thought, Riku should know first since Riku was that last person who saw him alive. It was a cruel feeling of the unknown that Riku desperately wanted to know, needed to know. And to learn that all this time, Shinomiya had survived was something Riku couldn't find the words to explain. The closest word to such a feeling was over bliss. They had shared tears, laughed and even endured such danger. Such a bond had developed between the two that through thick and thin, they would always have each other's backs, each other's support, and if needed, would even sacrifice each other's life for the other person.  

Hearing Shinomiya's voice was something that filled Riku's heart with joy, "I'm so glad you survived," He said through the sobs on the phone.

"I'm glad that you're alive," Shinomiya said.

But the next questions was something even Shinomiya wasn't prepared for which still lingered in his mind the next morning. 

"Whatever happened to Satsuma?" 

Laying in bed, Shinomiya stared at his blank ceiling, just before getting up out of bed. 

His eyes lingered on the stack of letters on his desk, in which he found himself sitting at the chair and opening up the next set of letters.

Dear Shinomiya, 

I hope you are alive and well. The pain of not knowing what happened to you brings me such unbearable pain, that at some point, I had thought I lost you forever. I've been struggling with all kinds of emotions, that I tried to keep all those emotions to myself. In which, I know that is wrong of me. Turns out, everyone is so worried about you! I keep praying to God and all the gods known to man and even the universe itself, that you come home! I know it'll be hard but I have faith you're alive! I just bare to think anything differently. It'll be hard to go back like we all used to be, but I think over time, it'll happen. But no matter what the circumstances are, we all will be waiting patiently for your return. We are a family, and nothing can ever break us apart.

I love you Shinomiya, And I'm still praying for your safe return. 

                                                                                                                                        ~Sincerely, Kae Serinuma.

Shinomiya's lips had curled into a smile as his heartbeat send a warm situation to his face. Even though Serinuma's letter was short and to the point, there was a fulfillment in it that filled in the gaps of her memory.   

He places the letter close to his heart as he smiled, "Thank you," 

He ripped open the next letter as he read out loud like chanting spells. 

Dear Shinomiya, 

I pray you're safe and well! We all miss you a great deal over here! Wishing you a safe return! The investigators are doing everything that they can! We even try to help out as much as we can! And even though we are just hoping and praying in the dark, I found saw a light in our darkness. That light was bright and in a form of a human. That light was Riku who gave us all hope that you're still alive. I don't think I can ever imagine what you guys went through, but if Riku has hope and the faith that you survive then so do I. Although you endured so much, I glad Riku was there with you, despite all the worst imaginable scenarios. He has such a big caring heart, and it was his idea for all of us to write letters to you. *Why didn't we think of that!?* Anyway, the time has gone by and we still have gone on with life. But not a day that goes by that we don't think of you. 

   Come home safely, 

-Iragashi :) 

Shinomiya smiled as he wiped a tear, he ripped through the next letter on his desk. 

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