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A loud unwanted noise kept bussing in her ear the whole night. She hadn't had any means of sleep, nor could she bare another second stolen from her without her loved one. The pain of separated from Hayato Shinomiya was so unbearable, she couldn't stand another day laying in her bed, knowing that Shinomiya was out there in the world.

Shinomiya was everything to her, and because of that, her and her husband decided to come home immediately after the news of her son's disappearance.

Ms. Shinomiya's face grew paler and paler to each day, her body had thin for her worries was far too great. Since the disappearance, it seems like everyone was more friendly to her and her husband. Strangers leaving flowers on their doorsteps, sending cards, and even donating money. But all the nice materialize items could never replace the hole in her chest. Mr. Shinomiya could relate to Mrs. Shinomiya's pain, but he turned to the bottle of wine the neighbors left on his doorstep for comfort.

The Shinomiya's were falling apart. Mr. Shinomiya hadn't been to work in weeks. While Mrs. Shinomiya just laid in the bed for days. Until wasting away felt more closer to death then she could ever be with her son. So, three weeks after her son's disappearance she finally had the nerve to invest in the investigation.

By planting herself within the investigation, grew the roots. Until those roots could reach her son.

She began to learn what happened at Seruma's house, the strange fan club along with the odd gifts, even the love triangle her son and a few other friends have been tangled in. And despite all the chaos and drama, she felt all a little closer to him.

It soon became her mission, her passion and her life to find out what happened to her son. She knew her son was out there and alive. But the unknown had always been a scary place.

And for days, weeks and even months Mrs. Shinomiya visited the investigation. Until every day she finally saw it...


His mind wondered for only a few minutes ended up feeling like days.

Stressed out, Pissed off, overwhelmed and desperate. These emotions overflowed and entered his body mind and soul.

Those eyes filled with emotion stared off into the glass which reflected his own image to himself but all he could think was that unfamiliar face who stared back at him, Who is that?

Sitting in the chair with he fidgeted with his hands which were cuffed on top of the table. He sat there patiently as he heard the door open as Agent Kuzowa walked into the room.

Hara Kuzowa entered the room as he pulled out the chair and sat down. He cleared his throat, "How are you feeling?"

The individual sighed, "I'm not even sure,"

They say the eyes are the window to a person's soul, but looking into those eyes, Hara Kuzowa knew that this person's soul was had broke.

At the other end of the two-way window, Mrs. Shinomiya took a step back, "What did he do to my son?" the voice escaped her lips.

"Ma'am, Just consider the situation...," Mr. Moriyama said but Mrs. Shinomiya's voice broke through the remark, "Why can't he just go to the hospital!? Why are you asking him questions? He needs medical treatment right now! HE IS THE VICTIM!"

Mr. Moriyama couldn't agree more with Mrs. Shinomiya, "I understand your concern but..."

Hara Kuzowa through the case file on the desk as all the evidence leading to Shinomiya's case went flying all over the room.

Hayato Shinomiya is MISSINGWhere stories live. Discover now