Hayato Shinomiya is found

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"A shocking new development is underway regarding Hayato Shinomiya, who was kidnapped two years ago from his friend's home. According to sources,  Hayato Shinomiya was returned home two months ago after the body of his capture, Kabora Satsuma, the man responsible for Hayato's kidnapping was found dead inside a suitcase. Officials are still treating this as a homicide investigation and are unclear if this case will make to trail. I'm Anna TsuLee reporting live, back to you guys," 

The TV flickers off.

Lawyers, Investigators, and doctor legal representatives, as well as a local judge all, held a conference inside the court hall of the court. 

"There's no way we can take this to a trail," 

"Oh but it must be taken to action," 

Among the multiple voices, and the snickering and the chatter, Judge Tenkin Yazayumi sat on the sideline watched as the group of men argued like children. With a mighty hand gripping the gravel, he pounded it only once upon the table. Within seconds of doing so, the room went silent and all eyes were on him. 

"What good is it to bicker?" He let out a harsh sigh, "Now, if I may...," He cleared his throat. 

" I have looked into this particular case thoroughly. And I don't see any reason for this case to go to trial. If this case goes to trial it will only cause an uproar with the people and we can't have that. However, I have made some arrangments. The boy in questioning Hayato Shinomiya will be serving 6 months of community service. He will also be granted a session of therapy twice a week and he will have a curfew in which he needs to be at home with his legal parents and or guardian no later than 10 pm. If the boy begins to show psychopathic behaviors then he ought to be observed and monitored within his own home. However, if his behavior becomes violent and or dangerous then he needs to be admitted.  Nevertheless, I don't think we need to worry or show any signs of aggression. The boy was a victim of a crime and the poor thing is dealing with the trauma. I Expect Dr. Fujiko can continue with his research work as well as continue with the beau work. Also alongside Dr. Fujiko, I have called for Dr. David Henney an excellent therapist," The judge paused, "We will take a fifteen minute to review and after we will come back to finalize the sentence carrying out. We will meet back here in approximately two months from now to discuss data review. Dismissal for fifteen minutes," the judge pounded once again on the gravel as he to stood up and everyone else cleared the room. 


After the headlines his friends seem more supportive as ever, trying to visit Shinomiya every once and while. His friends were moving on to bigger and better things, going to college and getting a life all while Shinomiya stayed behind. He was happy for them sure, but he couldn't rid of how cheated he felt out of life. But it wasn't all bad. Shinjiro did keep him company as much as he could. 

It's been three months since Shinomiya has been seeing Dr. David Henney and Dr. Fujiko. They are aware of Shinjiro's presence and have notating everything.

Shinomiya lay flat on the couch as his mind wondering inside that dull boring therapy room. 

HIs mind traced back to Shinjiro who sat on top of the arm of the chair.

"I think it's time for me to go," Shinjiro said. 

"what? But why?" Shinomiya turned to him.

"You don't need me anymore..," Shinjiro said.

"Huh?" Shinomiya looked puzzled, "But you helped me out, what will I do without you?"

"Don't be so dumb, you know exactly what to do. After all, all I am really is just a part of your subconscious," Shinjiro said. 

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