A distant reunion

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Nanashima stood in the doorway of Shinomiya's room as he stared with wide eyes

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Nanashima stood in the doorway of Shinomiya's room as he stared with wide eyes.

"Shinomiya? Is that really you!?" He exclaimed.

"Yeah," Shinomiya said, "I'm here,"

Nanashima hadn't had any words to say but instead, his eyes filled up with tears as he feet took a step closer to Shinomiya. He took his hands and at first, he was hesitated to touch him, but gently wrapped his arms around him and embraced him in a hug in which his tears got the best of him and he started to sob.

"What the fuck happened!?" Nanashima cried out loud,  He then pulled back and tight his grip on Shinomiya's shoulders as he yelled out, "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU MADE US WORRY!?" He then took a breath and then he sat down on Shinomiya's bed as he held his head of emotional exhaustion, and wiped the tears off his face.

He looked up to Shinomiya and hadn't noticed but he was holding Shinomiya's hand, "Uhh sorry!" He said as he pulled back and stretched the back of his neck, "How, did you get home?"

  Shinomiya sat on the bed next to Nanashima as the words flowed out as he looked up at the ceiling as he began, "I don't remember much..." 

But what I do remember, ...Was that I was covered in blood..." 

"...My breathing was heavy and shallow as I had a hard time breathing. It was dark and I could feel the blood rushing to my face making my skin hot as I felt pressure on my neck. My neck was pushing and pulling tight. Until I stopped breathing and all I could feel was my heart throbbing one last time..."

"...I awaken in a jolt as I gasp for air. I looked at my surroundings and all I could see was the color red. I stood in a bloody bathroom, my hands, clothes and everything around me was covered in blood..."

"...That's when the bathroom door was kicked down by the police force and judging by my appearances they had arrested me since they thought I was the unsub. When they had brought me to the county police station they took me in the back of the building stripped me down naked and hosed me off. It was then when I reviled my face they learned who I was. They had given me clothes and some food and another group of investigators had taken me in. I was in jail for about a day or two before I was able to see my mom. They had put me in a room and start asking me all these questions. But I didn't have a clue why they were hounding me of a sudden. They told me, it's been two years since my abduction. But how? The last thing I remembered was when Riku was shot... They were stating I had some sort of Stockholm syndrome and that Kuroba Satsuma had "groomed me" all these years to become his "loyal dog". ..That's when I snapped, and I tried to harm the agent...But I don't remember doing it...However, when I came home, I noticed a huge scar on my head," Shinomiya said as he pointed to his head and parted his hair revealing that scar to Nanashima.

"I guess I have some kind of memory loss," Shinomiya said monotone.

Nanashima sat quietly for a moment. All this time, Shinomiya, was dealing with such abuse, while I was just blaming him...Nanashima signed out in pain as he ran his fingers through his hair. He then turns to him as he said"Well, if it is to any constellation Shinomiya, I'm glad to see you," Nanashima said rather seriously. 

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