Questioning Everything

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"Mmmh?" Riku muttered as he opens his eyes. His surrounding was bright and blurry.

"Oh, sweetheart!" A familiar voice rose Riku from sleep. 

"Mom?" Riku saw his mother leaning over him. 

His mother blinked her large green eyes at him as she softly stroked his hair,"I'm so sorry," She said. 

"No, I'm sorry...I shouldn't have taken the car without asking," Riku admitted. 

"Do you think I give a damn about a car?" His mother's voice shook, this made Riku look up to her. 

His mother was young for her age with short wavy black hair which was pulled back behind her ears revealing her large soft worried eyes,"I'm just so happy to see you," She embraced her only son.

In the distance, a local police officer cleared his throat as he slowly approached the family,"Excuse me?"

Riku's mother held him close almost shielding him from the officer,"No leave us alone!"

"Ma'am I need to ask your son a few questions," The officer said. 

"Mom,"Riku pulled back from his mother,"It's okay," He insured her. 

"I would need to ask your son some questions alone," The officer said. 

"If you have anything to ask you can ask him in front of me!" His mother snapped. 

"Ma'am I need to ask-," The officer was interrupted.

"Officer, if I may..," Riku began,"Anything you have to ask you can ask in front of my mother," He said.

The officer signed,"Very well," He took out a small pen and small notebook and a recording device and began to record the information.

"Mr. Satoshi, can you tell me about your whereabouts a month ago?" The officer asked,"What happened the night of your car crash?"

"My mom and I had an argument. I wanted to go see a stupid party with some friends. But when I asked her and she said no...I got angry with her and took the car and left away," Riku explained.

"It was raining that night, and the road was slick...But there was this other car behind me that was on my ass. The asshole had his brights on and keep tapping on my tail, so I tried to speed up to get away from him but the car was still on my ass. I knew the guy was gonna rail me, but he just drove around me instead, until he cut the corner and next thing I know I blow into the back end of someone." Riku paused.

"I remember my face hit the  steering-wheel before my airbag deployed and that when I saw him..." Riku signed,"The masked man who kidnapped that boy and shot that woman a few days ago! I was panicked but I couldn't move. I watched the masked man approach me, and all I could think was, WHY HIM!?" Riku's voice shook as he relived his experience.

"He opened the driver door, and my heart felt like it was going to explode with panic. I saw him take out his knife and I was chanting in my head, Please don't kill me, until he cut the seat belt from my chest and removed me from the car. He then carried me over into the other car. Ironically, the damage on his car was not as bad as I thought it was. All I did was damage his bumper, but when he opened the truck I was shocked. Shinomiya was was in the trunk! For a moment I thought I killed him, but the masked man said to me which sent chills down my spine. He said,'If his dead, you'll be his new replacement'. Then he shoved me in the truck alongside Shinomiya."  

"The masked man left us in that trunk for that whole night as punishment. Or rather, the masked man had left me in that trunk with a dead body as punishment. But that next morning I awoke to a shallow breath on my face and the smell of blood. There was daylight peeking through the cracks of the old car and I thanked God Shinomiya was still breathing...that we were still breathing."

"The masked man came and open the truck when I blinded by sunlight, however; the first thing I said was,'Shinomiya is alive'." Riku said then he put his head down,"I was pulled out of the trunk by my hair and he was dragging me through a field. He stopped by a large rock where I saw him pull the rock up and underneath the rock was a large metal latch. He opens the large door and throws me down where I fell and lost conscience. When I awoke I was handcuffed to a metal shelf. and I spend most of our time in the underground bunker together. Until  Satsumi decided to take us up to the surface to play a game, where he shot at me and left me for dead,  and I manage to escape and get help." Riku looked up to see not only his mother and the officer a nurse, a doctor and another police officer in the room. 

The first officer's eyes and mouth remained wide open as he paged the sheriff. 

"Oh honey you are so brave and noble to have gone through that," his mother said as he reached for her son. 


After a day of resting, Riku Satoshi leads the team of police to Shinomiya.

No thoughts, no prayers...

To their surprised... 

....Can bring back what's no longer here...

The Bunker is completly burned down. 

"What?! How could that be!?" Riku stood in front of the team of investigators which a shock of a lifetime,"They are gone!?"

"Hey kid," Agent Moriyama place a hand on his shoulder,"we will find em." 

Feeling hopeless Riku blames himself.

Agent Moriyama leads the young boy out of the crime scene, but Agent Kuzowa looked around the empty bunker. Was whats left of it had been burnt down by some kind of chemical fire. And to Kuzowa's eye, he noticed a small clue. 

"It looked like you left something behind...," He mutters. 

 With a glove, Kuzowa picks up a single photo of a boy. 

That same image which had haunted him for years...

In which Agent Moriyama...turns with a slight suspicion. 


A/N: Im sorry it has been so long! I've been really sick lately but i feel a little better now! I apologize for the long wait and so sorry for the short chapter. I just want to be finished with this story tbh and i have no idea where i am going with this hee hee well i hope you enjoy!

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