I'm Not Afraid

692 21 16

Days have been Missing: ???

With a breath, Shinomiya slowly opened his eyes. The room was dark, cold and it was all fitting for a situation Shinomiya had already predicted. Shinomiya had already known they had skipped to another town. Satsuma had done this plenty of times before. Shinomiya was beginning to see all of his flaws whose image that used to be so frighting to Shinomiya, had been crumbling right in front of him. He was beginning to predict his behavior. And it was just a matter of time for which Shinomiya was plotting against him. Shinomiya was angry for what he did to Riku. And all that anger boiled inside of him. 

Hiding out in a deserted motel which seemed to age by a minute, Shinomiya tried to cover up with a stupid excuse for a blanket, but it was useless. There was no way, Shinomiya could get any kind of sleep which Satsuma was throwing a fit in the other room. Growling, kicking and punching the wall as he cruised the ceiling with every profanity. Nevertheless, the poor conductions of the motel, made Shinomiya feel disgusting. The room was cloudy of dust and smoke and trash lingered all over the floor. The bed was old and dusty for which, Shinomiya insisted of sitting in a chair rather than laying down on such a filthy mattress. 

I just need to get to some kind of phone... Shinomiya previously thought. Sitting in the chair next to the window, he slightly glances out the window and into the night sky. A street light had flickered on and just like that, he saw an old payphone just outside his window. 

"HEY!" With a grip of his hand, he grabbed a hold of Shinomiya's hair as he pulled him back from the chair,"Don't get any ideas, Pretty-boy!" Satsuma pushed him on the bed. 

"Now, what do I have to do to get you to listen?" Satsuma asked as he crawled on top of Shinomiya on the bed. Shinomiya felt his skin crawl and his stomach turn,"If you do this to me..," Shinomiya began as he flickered his eyes of hatred at satsuma,"I'll never forgive you."

"Oh?" Satsuma raised an eyebrow, "When did you get so fucking cocky you little shit!?"

His fucking crazy! Frist, it was Princess this and Princess that...Now he is filled with anger...But why he is so mad? Had it been because of Riku? He was jealous of our "Close friendship" wasn't he? 

And with a fist...

Now he's taking his anger out on me!

Shinomiya grabbed his fist right before it hit him. 

Satsuma was shocked, "You caught my fist?"

 Shinomiya then pushed Satsuma off the bed, But satsuma grabbed his arm as they both landed on the floor with a thud. Shinomiya landing on top of him as he placed his hands around Satsuma's neck. 

"You think you can beat me, Princess?"  Satsuma managed to say as he took his arm and with a fierce fist punched him in the temple of his head as Shinomiya went down. 

"So what's up with you? You think you can take out all your anger on me?" Satsuma laughed,"Hey...That's not a bad idea," As he turned to Shinomiya with a sinister grin. 

Shinomiya stood up, It's now or never...


Nanashima flickered his eyes open as he sat up in a panic, "What the fuck was that?" 

Nagashima had nodded off while hanging out with the rest of the gang, at Nishina's house. 

"Hey Nanashima, you okay?" Nishina asked. 

"Yeah...just a dream I guess," Nanashima was on the couch where he fell asleep watching T.V, while the rest was all at the table playing cards. 

It has been almost a week since Serinuma lost her memories of Shinomiya...Nanashima excused himself from the couch.

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