Just for now

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(A/N: I just realized Wattpad didn't save all of my story from the last chapter! wtf!? >[]< I had a shit ton and now I have to re-write!)

Previously on, Hayato Shinomiya is MISSING...

Shinomiya stopped in his tracks, "But that's not fair for the rest of you guys..."


"What do you mean, 'The rest of you guys'?" Nanashima asked questioning his choices of words, "Don't you mean "US'?" He wondered.

Shinomiya fell silent.

"Don't tell me, you don't care about Serinuma now," Nanashima asked.

"No, it's not that," Shinomiya said, "I mean..," He paused, "I still care about her and I miss her. But I can't feel that love that I had for her,"

"What are you saying?" Nanashima asked with frown eyebrows.

"...I dunno, I think I fell out of love. Fell out of touch, fell out of reach...from everyone," Shinomiya tried to explain. Then he looked up to Nanashima, "She really couldn't make up her mind after all this time I was gone?"

"Hey, it beats the hell outta me," Nanashima said as he turned and stretched his head.

"So, you're not mad at me?" Shinomiya asked.

Nanashima turned to him, "Why would I be mad?"

"That, my feelings are all screwed up," Shinomiya said.

"Hey, no one is expecting you to jump into a relationship or anything," Nanashima said, "And I've already told you that everyone understands that your experiences had shaped you and might've changed you into someone a bit differently. Hell, I was even surprised when I saw how you changed a bit," Nanashima said.

"Changed how?" Shinomiya frowned.

"Well for starters, I know that you don't like being touched. But, instead of resisting and throwing a fit as you used you, you just take it..." Nanashima said, "And I know why."

"Shut up, like you know the shit I've been through," Shinomiya spat.

"And that, you're attitude changed a bit too," Nanashima said, "But it's a good thing,"

Shinomiya rolled his eyes, "Whatever,"

They soon found themselves in the front of Donny's Diner, as Nanashima open the door, his feet stepping on the shiny wax title. Nanashima walked as a smaller figure walked behind him as they appeared the table where familiar, yet not so much familiar faces sat.

The group of individuals turned to see Nanashima and then Shinomiya had appeared out from behind him, as the group of young adults' mouth dropped.

"No way," They all said almost on cue.

"Sup," Shinomiya said.

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Hayato Shinomiya is MISSINGWhere stories live. Discover now