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There is only one thing I know true to my heart

and that is if times ever get tough, 

I will always try to "Stay Strong".

With a slight twitch he awoke flickering his eyes in alert. Riku Satoshi sat up from the couch as he rubbed his eyes. He stood up stretched his limbs as he looked at the digital clock which read ten am. 

He walked into the back room without Satsuma's "Express permission" as he took his clothes off and took a shower in the shower-tub-bathroom. After the shower he went through the clothes on the hanging rank. It's been a week and four days down in the bunker since Riku and Shinomiya's arrival.

 He found a pair of cotton boxer briefs and took a pair of old light dad jeans from the 80's, pulled a red plaid button up sleeveless shirt and got dressed. The jeans were slightly wrinkled and the shirt was old with two missing buttons on the top exposing the middle of his bare chest. He looked straight out of an 80's movie. But they were clothes. 

Riku freshly showered and dressed walked into Shinomiya's room who sleep soundly. He peered over Shinomiya and decide to poke his cheek. 

Shinomiya flickered his eyes open.

"Waky-waky,"  Riku woke Shinomiya up. 

"Uh, why-it's so early," Shinomiya complained. 

"It's ten," Riku said. 

"I'm up," Shinomiya said getting up from his small mattress. Shinomiya was dressed in an old dirty pair of underwear and that same white button up shirt from the strange night before. 

"You should probably shower and change," Riku suggested.

"Yeah you're probably right," Shinomiya said. He then looked to Riku as he asked," you mind...standing next to the shower...?" 

Riku turned his head to the camera which the red light glowed on as the camera focused and zoomed. Riku tsked at the camera, No wonder Shinomiya wants me to be around him, because that fucker is always watching. 

Riku blinked slowly,"If it makes you feel better...sure." He said with a shrug. 

"Okay thanks," Shinomiya said as he headed to the bathroom.  

"Do you think he'll come down?" Shinomiya then asked entering the other room. 

"Eh, he looked really tried so perhaps his sleeping," Riku suggested but he was still reminded by that camera which was always recorded. 

Riku turned his back standing next to the shower as Shinomiya undressed.

"I hope so," Shinomiya said hopping into the shower. 

Riku stood there in front of the shower hearing the water run as Shinomiya cleaned his body. 

He blinked as he stared off into the tile. 

"Don't you have someone you like...?" Riku randomly asked.

"Uh?" Shinomiya paused while cleaning his hair,"Yeah...I do," He looked down,"But...It's complicated,"

"How?" Riku asked. 

"I like this girl... but four other people are also in love with her," Shinomiya explained,"We're all rivals but we hangout like we are all friends just to win her over...," Shinomiya explained,"So in the end...she has to chose," 

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