Not Today Satan

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The screams poured out of Shinomiya like a flood as he watched the far distance of his friend laying in the middle of the street as he was being pulled back with a force. His world had faded into shades of black and grey as the sunlight had betrayed him once more. Satsuma had already climbed down the bunker as he pulled the rested chain and dragged Shinomiya to fall into the depths of hell. 

With a loud thud, Shinomiya had fallen seven feet down into the bunker landing on his breath as his breath escaped him. 

He laid there in hopelessness as his world had fell apart. 

Riku was his rock, his night and shinny armor, the epitome of hope of survival. Now Shinomiya was trapped seven plus more feet of metal and Satsuma. 


Not today...


Riku flickered his eyes open and immediately checked his wound. The bullet had mildly greased Riku's skin leaving a small cut on his right arm. 

He signed of relief, however, felt awful for tricking Shinomiya that he was dead. Riku stood up as he then jagged the trail of the highway to what he hope to be the nearest civilization. He had too of pretend to be the fallen victim so his plan of escaping would be easier. With Satsuma obsessing over Shinomiya, there was a chance that Riku would be left for dead and Satsuma didn't give a damn about it. 

However there was still that fear in the back of Riku's mind. Even without Riku in the picture he had feared the worst things Satsuma would do to Shinomiya. 

Shinomiya had already been drugged, tied up, and raped by Satsuma before, but what other things he is captive of?

This is the moment for Riku to push through. To escape and reach out for help. 

Whatever happens... if the opportunity comes, take it. And always stay strong!

Riku was getting tried. He jogged nearly an hour and forty five minutes and he was  a few miles away from the bunker. 

He leaned on his knees as he breathed deeply. 

I need to kept going. 

Riku continued to jog until something in the distance caught his eye.

Three miles ahead an old CDL truck stop glowed of LED lights just as the sun was setting behind him. 



"Hey, I got something," Shinko said looking at the computer screen. 

"what is it?' Moriyama asked as he approach her computer. 

"Look at this," Shinko said as a map of the county area on the computer screen light up like a Christmas screen.

"What's that?" he asked.

"See all the dots," Shinko said,"Those are all the missing boys in the area that went missing since as early as 1980's. The bodies of those boys in the 80's wasn't discovered until 2010. Then in 2011 a boy went missing of every month, which means 12 boys went missing every year until in the year of 2015. Those missing boys since 2010 haven't been found yet." 

"Plus I also found this," Shinko pulled up three images of three different boys,"In 2011 Tomas Schmitty was last seen wearing a baseball jersey and blue jeans who was reported to have entered a black vehicle. In 2012 Mark Paulert was last seen entering a black vehicle, and in 2013 Damin Smith entered a black vehicle. All three boys where last seen getting into what appears to look like Mr. Satsuma's car," Shinko said. 

Hayato Shinomiya is MISSINGWhere stories live. Discover now