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It's been two days since Eleanor left. It's been two days since I let my biggest secret out. It's been two days and I'll I've done is avoid the topic because two days ago I let it out and all I want to do is go back and keep it all in.

I haven't stopped talking to H despite all that though. He doesn't bring it up and if he does I successfully avoid it. I like talking to the guy. He listens to my problems and gives me advice and I like listening and helping him too. It's easier to talk to him than my friends.

Speaking of my friends Zayn and Liam are both watching tv while I hide in my room "studying". I can't face them after they witnessed my stupid break up. They probably think I'm a terrible person and I don't need their criticism right now.

My phone vibrates next to me and I grab it expecting to see a text from H. Instead Stan's name lights up and I quickly unlock the message. He hasn't spoken to me since the kitchen incident and I miss him.

From Stan: Hey, bro! Heard about El... Ouch. Want to get a coffee after class tomorrow?

I grin at my phone and quickly text him back telling him I'd love to go get coffee. I'm happy Stan isn't still upset because he really is one of my best friends.

I smile as I click H's name and our conversations pop up on my screen. I tell him to call me when he can because I have good news.

Not even five minutes later my phone is buzzing and I grab it, knowing who it is.

"Hey!" I answer enthusiastically. I hear him laugh at my happy tone.

"Hey, L. What's the good news?" he asks and I just let his deep voice echo through my head.

"My friend- you know the one I slept with?- he texted me and were getting coffee! He forgives me and now things can go back to normal," I cheer into my phone. H is silent and I don't know why he isn't happy for me.

"H? You there?" I ask. Did that prick hang up on me?

"Yeah I'm here. That's great, L!" he replies and I can tell he's faking the enthusiasm.

"What's wrong?" I worry.

"It's just... Everything is going good for you and I'm still having problems and you're probably not going to talk to me anymore," he breathes out and I frown at his words.

"I'll probably screw something up soon," I chuckle, "and what's going on? You can tell me about all your troubles. I'll only stop talking to you when you tell me to stop," I assure him.


"I promise. Now tell me what's going on," I demand. He's quiet for a couple minutes and then he finally speaks.

"Remember I told you I was trying to get my friend to date my roommates girlfriend?" he starts.

"Yes," I encourage.

"Well that's because I really like my roommate. I like him a lot," he continues and yeah, maybe I'm slightly jealous. It's stupid because I've never met H, but I like him somewhat.

"Okay." I say. I want him to continue and at the same time I don't.

"Yeah... I feel bad and I don't want him to hate me if my plan works. Plus, I don't know if I like him as much anymore..." he trails off. I swallow and try to think of something helpful to say. My mind draws a blank and I decide to just let the words pour out.

"I don't think you should try and break them up. If you're meant to be, he'll realize it. Just let him figure out everything on his own," I tell him. He hums in response and we fall into a peaceful silence.

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