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"So, who's the lucky boy?" Liam asks. I turn to look at him and give him a confused look.

"Lucky boy?" I reply.

"Yeah. The one you're always texting and calling. The one that has you giggling and blushing all the time. It's disgusting really," Liam says and I frown at him. I know he has to be talking about Harry, but I'd never admit that.

It sounds terrible, but I'm not ready to be open about my sexuality. If I ever actually get the chance to be with Harry it'd have to be a huge secret. Only me and him would get to know.

"There's no boy. I'm happily single," I tell Liam and he smirks, knowing I'm lying.

"Oh really? Can I see your phone?" he asks and I jump off the couch and away from him.

"No you cannot. Why are you so nosey today, Payne?"

"I just want to know who my best mate is flirting with! I tell you everything," he pouts. "You're always so secretive, it's not good."

"Secrets are lovely. Actually I can't chat. I have to make a call," I tell him and he tries to argue but I walk down the hall.

I enter my room, locking the door so Liam doesn't stroll on in. I click his name and wait. The phone rings and rings and finally he answers me.

"Hey, Louis."

"Hi, Stan. I was wondering if we were still going out Saturday?" I ask. I hate texting in all honesty. That's why I'm calling.

"Of course, Lou. There's a party that night, you want to go?"

"Yeah, that'd be great," I tell him. I hear my phone beep and I pull it away to see that Harry is trying to call me.

"Hey, Stan? I have to go. I'll see you Saturday!" I tell him. He says goodbye and I quickly click over to Harrys call.


"Hey, Lou!" Harry gleefully greets me. He's always to cheerful and cute.

"How are you?" I ask.

"I'm great. Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me Saturday?"

I frown. I do want to go out with Harry, but I promised Stan we'd spend the day together and I can't ditch him.

"I can't. Me and Stan are going out," I tell him.

"Oh. Isn't Stan the guy you slept with?" Harry questions.

"He is," I say confused. Why does that even matter? People have sex with their friends all the time... Right?

"Oh." Harry says again.

"Mhm. Actually there's supposed to be a party that night, you should come and meet me," I suggest hopeful.

"I don't think so..."

"Please Harry?" I plead, "I really want you to come." He goes silent and then he sighs.

"Fine. Just text me the details and I'll try and make an appearance," he tells me and I grin from ear to ear.

"Thank you! This will be great," I promise and I hear him agree, but he doesn't sound so sure.

"So since you're busy Saturday... What about Friday night?" Harry asks. I think about it quickly and decide I have nothing important.

"I can do that. What are we going to do?" I ask.

"It's a secret," Harry says and I can feel his smirk through the phone.

"Ok... Is this a date?" I can't help, but ask. I want it to be one, but at the same time I don't. It's a very conflicting feeling.

"That's up to you. I have to go, I'll talk to you later. Bye, L," he says and hangs up. I lie on my bed, grinning at the ceiling.

I have a date with Harry Styles. The beautiful, smart, perfect Harry Styles. I feel like such a girl but I don't care. I jump off my bed and unlock my door, running down the hall and jumping in Liam's lap.

"What the fuck, Louis?" he asks, but one look at my face and his expression turns from angry to curious.

"Guess who has a date? This guy!" I cheer and Liam smiles up at me.

"Congrats. Now get off of me, fat ass," he laughs and he pushes me to the side. I quickly sit up so I'm facing him.

"What happened to 'happily single'?" Liam asks amused.

"Oh c'mon, you know people just say that. Everyone likes to go on dates and be with someone! He's so great, Li," I gush. Liam just chuckles.

"I'm sure he is. Who is he?"

"Um... You don't need to know that." I tell him and he frowns. I stand up, still happy and enter the kitchen. I grab my keys off the hook and turn back to Liam.

"I'm going to buy celebration food. You want anything?" I ask.

"What are we celebrating?"

"The fact that I'm not alone like you," I reply and he scowls.

"You're an asshole."

"I am. So do you not want anything?"

"Surprise me."

"Will do!" I cheer as I exit the building. The smile not leaving my face for even a second.

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