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I curse as my alarm goes off. It's 6:30am and I grumble because I'm not a morning person.

I crawl out of bed and then stretch, cracking my back. I pad my way into the hall and enter the washroom, taking a quick pee. I'm still half asleep and I can't believe I'm actually up this early.

I have to remind myself that it's for Harry, which is stupid. I shouldn't be getting up extra early for this boy and yet here I am.

I walk back to my room and grab clothes, not caring about how I look. I go back to the washroom and start up the shower. The warm water wakes me up and I start to sing as I scrub my body and hair.

I finish up quickly and slip on my clothes, fixing my hair quickly while I'm in here.

I exit the washroom and go to the kitchen, ready to get some tea and hopefully food.

"What are you doing up?" Liam asks drowsily from the table and I turn to him and give him a cheerful smile.

"I'm going out today. What are you doing up? You don't have work til noon," I ask back and he nods tiredly, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Your fucking singing woke me up." he grumbles and I laugh as I turn on the kettle.

"Oh well sorry. Since you're up can you make me breakfast?" I ask and Liam gives me the finger.

"Make yourself something, asshole," Liam grumbles again and I laugh. He just glares at me and I can't help the grin that takes over my face.

"Does little Liam need a nap? He seems cranky," I tease and he grabs a banana out of the bowl and throws it at me.

"I don't need a nap. I need a better roommate, you twat," Liam complains and I chuckle and peel the banana, taking a large bite.

"Definitely cranky," I conclude and he just rolls his eyes and sips his coffee again. I hear the kettle boil and turn around pouring myself some tea. I grab the mug and sit down across from Liam.

"So, who are you going out with? You have class at 10 and it's... Almost 8," Liam says and I shrug.

"No one important," I tell him and he frowns.

"Tell me."

"No. You ignored me all week and you were just mean to me," I tell him and his frown deepens.

"I did not ignore you! I was busy. And you deserved it this morning," he argues and I sip at my tea, shaking my head.

"Some things are meant to be kept a secret," I tell him and I stand, smirking and leave to go brush my teeth.


I walk out of my building and find Harry's car. He's sitting in the drivers seat, looking bright as usual. I smile and climb in quickly, hoping Liam isn't creeping through our window.

"Hi," he greets me and I give him a bright smile.

"Hello. How are you this fine morning?" I ask and Harry just shakes his head and backs out of our parking lot.

"I'm very good. How are you?" he replies and I shrug.

"I'm alright. Kind of nervous," I admit and I can feel him look at me.

"Don't be nervous, Lou," Harry says and I nod, trying to listen to him.

We both go quiet and I listen to the radio play. Most of the songs are overused but I sing along anyway, trying to be casual.

"You have a nice voice," Harry compliments and I can feel my cheeks turn pink.

"Um. Thanks," I mumble out.

"You never said you could sing," Harry continues and I look out the window, trying to hide my face.

"I don't sing. Not a lot."

"Why not?"

"I don't like to. Only in the shower," I admit and Harry stays quiet for a few moments. I can feel my cheeks return to their natural color and I think the topic is over with, but Harry speaks again.

"No one except my family knows this, but I used to be in a choir," Harry says and I can feel a small smile cross my face.

"Oh yeah? So you sing?"

"A bit. I only do it for my own pleasure now," Harry tells me.

"Why don't you tell people about that?" I ask and I turn to see Harry's cheeks turn a soft pink.

"It was an all girls choir," Harry says and I let out a short laugh.

"Don't laugh," Harry pouts.

"Sorry. I used to play with Barbies if it makes you feel better. I liked doing their hair," I admit, "If you ever tell anyone that I'll kill you."

Harry laughs and reaches his hand over so he can lock his pinky with mine.

"I promise I won't tell."

And I smile and keep our pinkies locked in my lap as Harry continues to drive to our destination.


"Harry. I'm bored," I whine. We're still driving and it's been 45 minutes.

"What do you want me to do about that?" Harry asks and I sigh, looking out as we drive down the highway.

"I don't know. Tell me more about yourself. What's your favorite season?" I ask randomly.

"Summer. Yours?"

"Autumn. Do you like fish?"

"To eat or as pets?"

"I don't know? Both?"

"Eat; yes. Pets; no. They're boring," Harry says and I look at him.

"That's so mean! They're not boring, they're just quiet and misunderstood," I argue and Harry raises his eyebrows.

"I'm pretty sure they're boring," Harry replies and I shake my head.

"Nope. My first pet was a fish," I state proudly.

"Mine was a cat," Harry answers and I look at him.

"What was its name?"

"Cat," Harry replies and I snort.


"Shut up. What did you call your fish?" Harry asks and I look down.

"Bubbles," I mumble and Harry looks over at me and gives me a fond smile.

"That's so cute," He coos and I cover my face with my hands, trying to hide my blush.

"It's stupid." I say.

"Better than Cat," Harry tells me and I can't help but agree.


"Louis. We're here," Harry tells me and I open my eyes slowly. I don't recall falling asleep, but I must've along the way.

I look around and my mouth fall opens. Harry brought me to the amusement park. I can feel my excitement build and I grin up at him.

"Harry! This is the best," I exclaim and then without thinking, I throw myself into his arms. He hugs me back and I hate the fact that I have to pull away.

"There's a twist in this though," Harry gives me an evil smirk and I narrow my eyes at him.

"What may that be?" I ask.

"Before me go on any ride, play any game or buy any food we each have to share a secret," Harry grins and I think about it.

"What if we have no secrets left?" I ask and Harry shrugs.

"I'm sure we'll think of something. I thought it'd be fun to do since, that's how we became friends. Through our secrets. So. Do you accept?" He asks and I nod my head quickly.

"Let's go!" I cheer.

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