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The week flew by in a whirl of school, work, football practices and Harry. Of course me and Harry were way more platonic around everyone.

I'm happy and Zayn and Liam both seemed to simmer down as the week went on. Ashley came over a few times (I know Zayn hated that, but oh well) and we even went birthday shopping together. Everything is becoming easier for me and I'm loving it.

I'm studying for my up coming exams. Philosophy, English and Sociology. Such a jumble of courses to study for because I still haven't decided what I want to major in. I read my textbook and my notes continuously and try to digest as much information as I can.

Tomorrow night is the party and I'm actually excited for it. Liam, Zayn and Harry are going and apparently Nialls girlfriend knows Kristie so they're going too. It seems like a fun night in the making.

My phone rings and I throw my pencil down and roll over to grab it. My eyes land on the screen and I smile at the name that pops up.

"Hello, darling," I answer in a very posh accent. I hear Harry let out a tiny laugh and I can just picture him rolling his eyes.

"Hey, Lou," Harry replies. His voice is quiet and it makes me frown. I immediately sit up and become worried.

"Are you okay?" I fret. I don't know why I get so worked up over him. I never got like this over any of my past relationships, but Harry is different. Harry is special.

"I'm fine. Just bored," Harry reassures me. I let out a sigh of relief and just lie back on my bed. My papers crinkle under me, but I don't bother moving.

"You and me both. I hate studying and school," I whine. I throw my arm over my eyes and let out an over dramatic sigh. The shift of my throwing my arm over my face makes my papers crinkle even more.

"You study all the time. You're such a geek," Harry teases. I pout even though he can't see me.

You see, Harry is the type of person that's just smart. He doesn't need to study for long periods of time or rewrite his notes. His just absorbs information like a sponge.

"I'm not a geek. You're so mean to me," I complain. I hear Harry let out an amused snort and I roll my eyes.

"Don't snort at me. You are mean to me," I argue. I sit up so I'm resting against my head board now and pick at my shirt.

"You're more mean to me," Harry objects. I shake my head even though he can't see me at all.

"Nope. You said you thought I'd be ugly and that I'm a geek and you always call me cute even though I hate it and-"

"Louis want to know a secret?" Harry interrupts. I stop my rambling immediately - his question peaking my interest.

"Of course," I tell him. I sit up straighter and prepare myself for something completely scandalous.

"You are cute."

I hang up the phone and throw it on my bed. I can just picture him giggling to himself thinking he's funny. He's not funny.

My phone beeps and I pick it up and see he sent me a message.

From Harry: I have another secret... I miss you x

I roll my eyes, but blush at his message. He's so stupid and cheesy and ugh. He makes me feel so many things. I quickly hit reply and type out a message.

To Harry: I'm still mad... Miss you too x

And yeah, maybe I'm just a cheesy as he is.


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