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I wake up and I'm extremely warm. Not that uncomfortable warm that makes you sweat and feel gross.

I'm in the warmth that makes you sigh contently and curl further into it so you don't have to leave. They type of warmth that makes you wish you could stop time so you don't have to leave it.

I curl more into it and feel the person creating it. Harry's skin is warm and soft against mine. I let myself fall onto his chest and breathe in his scent that makes me feel so good.

He makes me feel so good.

I feel his grip tighten, but don't think much of it. I'm wide awake - I'm the type of person that once I'm up, I'm up - and I start to trace random designs in his pale skin.

"That tickles," Harry giggles. I smile and look up at him, my chin resting on his chest. His voice is deeper in the morning and I like the way it slowly falls through his pink lips.

"You're so cute," I tell him. He blushes slightly - which makes me grin - and turns his attention to the ceiling. I just start to trace the butterfly tattoo on his stomach. It's such a weird tattoo - especially where he has it - but I like it.

"I'm surprised you haven't teased me about that yet," Harry says, watching my fingers graze over his skin.

"I like it," I admit.

"You'd have to be the first person. Everyone thinks it's silly," Harry tells me. I stop tracing and lie my head down on his chest.

"I think it's adorable."

I can feel Harry chuckle and the sound stays in my head and vibrates through my ears. I close my eyes and don't say a word - just enjoying lying with him.

"What do you want to do today?" Harry asks me.

"Just lie here with you," I mumble out, eyes still closed. He starts to run his hand up my back and I nuzzle in closer.

"We can do anything and that's what you want to do?" Harry asks unsure.

"Yes. I just want to be with you," I answer him. I can feel his smile and I know today it'll just be a Harry and Louis day.


"What was your childhood like?" Harry asks. We're lying in his bed, breakfast sat between us.

We're both only wearing our boxers and I'm completely okay with looking at Harry's nude chest.

"It was average. Nothing exciting or special. I had a close group of friends and we caused trouble all the time," I tell him. He looks at me and grins, taking a bite of bacon.

"So nothing has changed?" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"I do not cause trouble. I'm such a good boy now," I say and Harry snorts. I scowl and playfully smack his arm.

"Shut up. What was your childhood like?" I ask him curiously. His happy face disappears and is replaced with a frown.

"It was... Fine. I had a lot of friends when I was younger. I came out at the age of 14 and everyone seemed to hate me after that. Moving here for school is the best decision I've ever made," Harry tells me. I move the almost empty food tray and climb so I'm in Harry's lap.

"Were people really mean to you?" I ask. I really don't want to know the answer, but at the same time I do.

"Some yeah. I got called a lot of hurtful things and I got beat up once. After I got beat up I started to work out and the physical torment ended," He tells me. I can feel anger consume me. How dare someone hurt him?

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