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It's Monday night and I'm closing up the small clothing shop I work in. I swing the keys as I whistle through the near empty mall.

I spent Saturday with Stan, but ended up ditching the party. I spent the night with Harry instead. I also spent most of my Sunday with Harry.

In fact, I think he's coming over tonight. Liam and Zayn wanted to have a movie night so I invited Harry.

I smile as I climb in my car and start to drive home. My phone rings and I groan as I answer - putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Louis! We need snacks," Liam yells through the phone. I sigh and turn so I can head to the grocery store.

"Send me a list of what you want," I tell him and I hear him cheer. I roll my eyes and hang up the phone. I pull into the parking lot and check my phone.

Liam sent me the list and I walk in and quickly grab all the items. I huff as I unload all the food onto the check out and dig through my wallet looking for my bank card.

"Louis?" I look up at the sound of my name and come face to face with Kristie. She was one of Eleanor's friends and I give her a tired smile.

"Hi," I say and she beams at me, scanning my items.

"Having a party?" she asks and I shake my head.

"No. Liam is just fat," I tell her and she let's out a tiny laugh. She bags my items quickly and gives me my total.

"Hey!" she calls when I'm about to leave. She's leaning over the counter and the smile on her face is a little too happy.

"My birthday party is in two weeks... You and your friends should come," she tells me. I don't really want to go, but I still agree. It is her birthday.

I give a wave as I leave and she just giggles and waves back. I return to my car and drive home.


I'm sitting on the couch - Harry's head in my lap - and I'm highly aware of Liam and Zayn staring at us. I try to play it cool, but it's starting to annoy me.

"Are you two even watching the movie?" I ask coldly and Zayn smirks at me.

"Nope," he replies clearly amused. I glare at him and his smirk grows. Liam is looking between us excitedly - probably expecting a little fight - and Harry is oblivious.

"What are you doing then?" I ask annoyed and he just shakes his head.

"We need to talk later," is his only reply and I can feel my annoyance grow.

"Harry? Where's Niall tonight?" Liam asks casually and Harry looks up at him and shrugs.

"Probably out with Marie," he tells him and Zayn tilts his head.

"You sound completely okay with that," Zayn points out and Harry shrugs again.

"Don't care anymore. I moved on," he answers simply and I try to fight back the smile forming on my face.

"Have you now?" Zayn continues and he looks at me knowingly. I give him the finger and turn back to the television - hoping to tune him out.

We all stay quiet and watch the movie. Well Liam and Zayn watch me and Harry and I watch Harry.

Close enough.

The movie eventually ends and we all stand up to stretch.

"Can I crash here?" Zayn asks.

"No." I answer and he scowls at me and turns to Liam. Liam just shrugs and starts to pick up the dishes.

"Harry you can stay if you want," I offer and he just shakes his head.

"I have class early tomorrow. I'll call you later," he promises and I really want to kiss him goodbye, but I can't because the other two are in the room.

"Okay. Bye, H," I say as he shoves his shoes on and leaves our flat. Once he's out the door Zayn smirks.

"You like him. It's so obvious and he likes you," Zayn grins and I can feel myself blush.

"No. We're friends," I tell him and Zayn rolls his eyes.

"Friends don't cuddle like that," Zayn points out and I just shake my head.

"Don't lie, Louis! It's painfully obvious. Just ask him on a date," Zayn encourages and I ignore him and sit on the couch.

"He can't, Z. He went on a date with that other bloke Friday," Liam says as he walks into the room.

"So? It's a date." Zayn rolls his eyes and I continue to sit, not saying anything.

"Give Harry a try. You guys would be cute and now that you're out you could totally date him. He's a great guy," Zayn says and I feel something in me explode.

"I know that! I don't want to date a guy. I don't want people to stare at me and judge me and I certainly don't want you giving me advice. Harry is great, but I'm not ready to come out okay?" I say. My voice started out strong but by the end it was weak and sad. They both looked at me in sympathy and I let out a tired sigh.

I needed to get that off my chest and even though they knew I was gay I didn't want them to know. I don't know why I'm so scared to come out, but I am. Nothing scares me more. I don't want people to think in disgusting and wrong. I'm not either of those things.

"Okay. Sorry, Lou. We won't bring it up again," Zayn whispers.

"Thank you." I reply. I stand to my feet and Liam gives me a hug. I hug him back and then head off to bed.

I check my phone when I arrive in my room and see I have a text from Harry. I don't bother replying. I just go to bed.

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