Chapter 1 Training Pt. 1

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It was a cold Saturday morning and I had to get up 3 hours earlier then what I'm used to. I was working on packing my bags and I realized something. My pink cravat was dirty. Dammit! (I thought) Maybe Father has one I could borrow. I loved my pink one but I guess I have to borrow one of his plain white ones. I went to my bedroom door that opened to the hall and poked my head out.

"Dad! Are you done the laundry?," I yelled.

"No. You have to wait brat." Was the only response I got.

"Wow thanks dad!" I said before going back into my room.

I finished packing my bags and quickly turned into the uniform I was given. I put on the weird looking pants, then the harness. When I looked in the mirror I realized I was missing something. I changed the plain white top to a light purple one and then searched my jewelry box for my necklace. Finally, I found it. It was a silver necklace with a silver tree on it. It used to be my Mom's but it was given to me when she passed. I looked back in the mirror and hid the necklace behind my shirt. I then slipped my jacket on and grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I headed through the hall to my Father's room. (I had to go through his room to get outside). I shut the door to my Father's room and headed down yet another hall passing troops on my way. They all wore the same uniforms as mine except they had the wings of freedom on the jackets instead of the training symbol. When I reached the doors I saw my aunt Hanji, my uncle Erwin, and my friend Avery. Avery is 28 and I am 12, and even though there is a big age difference, we don't care.

"Enji is finally leaving HQ! I never thought this would happen in a million years!", Hanji shouted.

"First of all it is Enju, second of all I will be back in 3 years, it is not that long."

"Enju if only your Mom could see you. I know she would be so proud," Avery said.

"Thanks. Where is my Father?

"He is waiting for you outside." Erwin said.

"Okay I need to go or I am going to be late. I love you all and will see you in exactly 3 years."

I headed out the door to see a small short black haired man with scary grey eyes waiting for me with my horse Laine.

"Hey dad, or should I call you Corporal Levi?"

"None of that Shit you are my daughter got it?"

"Yes father."

"Okay remember what I said if any guys try to talk to you ignore them or punch them. Don't talk to any guys only girls. If you need anything you know where I am. And remember that I love you and your mother also loves you and she will be with you. Okay?"

"Yes dad I know. I need to go. I quickly got on my horse."

"Enju be careful." As he said that he put a kiss on my forehead.

"I will." I said before I quickly pulled the reins on my horse and rode of.

~~~Time skip~~~

I was riding my horse for about an hour when I finally arrived at the training grounds. I headed over to a table with people at it and asked for directions. They took Laine and I headed over to see a huge group of people standing rows talking. We were eack given a row to stand in and Mine was row 1 16 of course I had to be in the front row. I was standing there just staring off into the distance until I heard something that caught my attention.

"Isn't that Enju Ackerman!"

"Yeah it is."

"Oh that bitch. She thinks cause her dad is a corporal she gets away with everything."

I quickly turned to the two boys talking about me.

"Tell me what things do I apparently get away with?"

"You stole from my parents food stand a couple years back."

"Oh really. Cause I don't remember that. So the next time you want to start spreading rumors think about it first cause it could back fire like this."

I quickly went low to the ground and side kicked one of the guys and had him fall to the ground. I looked at the other guys but he had his hands up in a defensive way.

"Tch. Little bitch." I said before turning around.

After about a half an hour of just standing there finally our instructor came. So far he was just asking people names. And of course he came to me.

"You! Whats your name!"

I quickly brought my fist up to my heart and saluted.

"Enju Rin Hawker Ackerman. Sir!"

"What a long terrible name. Did your mom hate you or something!"

"I don't know sir my mom died when I was 2!"

"Sorry to hear that! Tell me why Your here!"

"To avenge My mother and to help humanity! Sir!"
So that was Chapter 1 I hope you guys liked it. If there is any spelling mistakes please let me know in the comments below,
Word count:897

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