Chapter 2 Training Pt.2

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"To avenge My mom and to help humanity. Sir!"

"So just like everyone else!"
"I guess."

~~~Time skip~~~

After about 2 hours of standing there while he was yelling at people it was finally time to train. We had to run 10 laps, do 40 push ups, and 20 Crunches. Everybody was exhausted after doing the laps but I was used to it after all my dad is the corporal. After we were done that we had to get a partner and fight them. Everybody quickly got a partner but me. I looked around and saw a buff blonde guy. So I walked over to him.

"Sup. My names Enju. I guess we're partners."

"I'm Reiner. Nice to meet you."

"Yeah sure. Let's just fight already."

"Okay but I won't go easy on you."

I quickly took my position with my fists up and my legs spreader apart.

"Come at me." I said.

The guy charged at me, He was a lot taller then me. Damn Genetics. I quickly dodged his fists that were coming at my face. I quickly went down low and side kicked him causing home to fall.

"Well that was easier then I thought." I said.

"How did you do it?!"

"I don't know, I just tripped you."

"I want a rematch!"

"Fine but don't cry when I beat you again."

People started surrounding us to watch how this would turn out.

"You ready Blondie?"

"Yeah and it's Reiner."

"Whatever Blondie."

I quickly charged at him colliding my fists with his face. I then Grabbed his Left arm and flipped him over my shoulder.

"I win!"

"Yeah. I guess. Good job."


After what seemed like hours of me beating up Reiner finally it was dinner. I quickly went backroom the dorm I was given and changed into A Pink The shirt with a black skirt and Headed towards the cafeteria to eat. When I went in I headed towards the food and grabbed a baked potato and a piece of bread. I looked around for a seat and I saw an empty one near the back of the room. Perfect. I went over and took a seat and started eating. Everybody already has made friends except for me of course, I didn't want to get to attached to anyone. I then heard the seat beside me being pulled out and I saw a girl with black hair in pigtails, a guy who looked like a horse, a guy with tones of freckles, and a blonde hair guy.

"Hi I'm Mina."

"I'm Jean."

"I'm Marco."

"I'm Thomas."

Hi. I'm Enju.

"Nice to meet you." Mina said

"Yeah same here."

"So is it true that you father is Corporal Levi?" Jean asked

"Yeah. Why?"

"Oh just curious."


"So let's be friends. Okay?" Mina said.


We then heard a ruckus coming from another table so we went to check it out. What I could hear is that some guy wanted to wipe the Titans out. Then Jean started making a fight where there didn't need to be one.

"There's no way you can wipe the titans out."

"Well I will at least try to."

When they got to close I decided to step in.

I pushed them away from each other and started to speak.

"We are all on the same team here. So both of you stop acting like Morons. Before I flip both of you on your butts. Got it?!"

"Yes ma'am." They both said in Sync.

After dinner I Headed outside. I started walking back to my dorm when I saw a girl passed out on the ground with another girl hovering over her. It must be that Potato girl. I thought. But what about the other girl? I then saw another girl with brown hair go over to her.

"Christa what are you doing?"

"Ymir, I thought she needed help."

So the blonde is Christa and the brown haired girl is Ymir, good to know. I then headed to my dorm. I changed into some jogging pants and got into bed.

"So This is how it's gonna be for 3 years huh mom." I said.

"Good night mom."
Word count:707
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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