Chapter 4 Harsh Training

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It was 6:30 in the morning and I woke up to Mina shaking me.
"What do you want?!"
"It's time to get up!"
"No go away!"
"I wish we could train together but you are in the 105th and I am in the 104th."
"No shit!"
I quickly rolled out of bed and got dressed after I did that I put my hair in a bun.
"Bye Mina I will see you in a couple of hours."
"Bye Enju!"
I quickly headed out the door and headed towards the training grounds. When I arrived I saw my trainer along with everyone else.
"Ackerman! YOUR LATE!"
"Sorry." I said and headed over to my place in line.
"Today you will be in groups of 3 and you will practice battle strategies! Understand!"
"Yes sir!" Everyone replied, with that everyone started joining teams leaving me by myself. Whatever I thought. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see to girls who looked the exact same. They had scars on their faces but one had burn scars while the other had scars from someone cutting them. One had long hair in a braid and the other had long hair in a pony tail. They both had blonde hair and green eyes. The one with the cut scars on her face had the hair in a pony tail but she had an eye patch over her left eye.
"Hi. I'm lizzy and this is my twin sister Becka." The one with the burn scar said.
"I'm Enju. Nice to meet you."
"Same here. So I guess were in a group then. No one wanted to be with us."
"Yeah I guess we are."
The one with the eye patch hasn't said a word. Maybe she cant speak or is very quite I thought.
~~~Time skip~~~
After about 3 hours of working on battle strategies and team work we had the day off. I started heading to my dorm when I heard Lizzy calling my name.  I turned around to see both Lizzy and Becka.
"What's up guys?"
"We were wondering if you wanted to come eat with us?"
"Oh sure."
Today there was a lot of harsh training but in the end I got 2 new friends.

I hope you guys like this chapter. What do you guys think happened to Becka and Lizzy, or are those really their names? Find out in the next chapter possibly? Bye for now.
Word count:418

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