7 - Change

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"You feeling okay?" Hannah whispered to me from her desk which is right next to mine. I nodded my head quickly, just so she would stop talking. She's been asking that since I came to school this morning. I think I'm okay though. I don't know whether I'm lying to her or telling the truth. I don't know how to feel. I'll admit, Aston really brought me down, but I should be over it. He's just another straight guy with a girlfriend. Plus, he's a patient; that's wrong.

As we were walking down the halls, Hannah asked me, "How are you feeling?" for like the fiftieth time for the morning. I groan softly before saying, "Yes, Hannah, I'm fine. Can you please stop asking?"

"Ethan, I'm only asking because I care about you. You're my friend," she says, and I suddenly felt guilty for snapping at her. I flash a small smile and whispered, "I'm sorry." Sometimes I really hate apologizing. I hate being wrong. Hannah smiles at my lame apology then hugs me quickly. "It's okay if you're snappy. I mean, who can blame you?"

"Please, don't talk about him or what happened because I'm trying to get over it and honestly I think I actually am hey he's pretty cute," I say all in one breath, then turned around to look at the guy who walked passed me. I don't think I've ever seen him in the school before.

"Wow, Ethan, you already have eyes on another guy?" Hannah laughed beside me and I quickly turn to face front again. I smiled, "Hannah, this is the new me. I no longer believe in relationships. They break your heart and that, my love, is what I can't stand."

"Well I really wanna see how that works out for you," she says, spreading her negative energy. I rolled my eyes halfway at her, then glanced back again. It's lunchtime, which means I have about an hour to find him. I'm doing this for two reason; 1) I need to show Hannah I'm serious about this no-relationship thing and 2) He was super good looking. Besides, even if he's not interested in what I'm offering I can always convince him. Cody always told me I've very convincing.

I turn and walked in the opposite direction of where Hannah and I were going. She spun around also, but she only called for me, and that was it. I'm free to find my new friend. I push past the crowds of laughing and talking students, looking for the gorgeous face which was etched in my memory since I saw him passing by.

I love this feeling. I get to see a guy I like and act on it. I don't have to worry about being caught cheating, or how my partner would feel. It's all so freeing. Why didn't I try this earlier? I mean, I've only had sex with one guy so far, but it still feels so intriguing. I can't believe I used to frown upon whores.

I found his petite figure leaned against his locker, with earphones plugged into his ears. I don't even know how I'm going to do this, but the thought of me doing it has me lounging for the guy. He was shorter than me, and he looked sort of innocent. I remember being like that once. He has those darling blue eyes, when he looks up at me, finally realizing I was standing in front of him. He stared at me like a dare caught in headlights. He's like a cute, less annoying version of Bambi.

I smile at him, watching as he blinked a couple times. I don't know if he's shocked that I'm speaking to him, or in awe of how gorgeous I am. He should seriously check a mirror  because the kid is... yummy.

"Uh... hi..." he says, in the most feminine way imaginable. I chuckle softly and shake my head, "Hey." I blinked down at his hands as they continuously wrapped the cord of the headset around themselves. He really is cute. Is it wrong to want such an innocent guy like him? Honestly, though, I could help him. I could teach him how to be more forward and open, that way when another guy come to him, he'll know what to do.

"Why do you sound so nervous?" I smiled.

"I... I don't know... you're sort of really... really good looking and you're like talking to me...?" he furrowed his eyebrows, looking a bit confused.

"Thank you, but you aren't so bad yourself," I gently push a bit of his brown hair behind his ear. A cute blush formed on his cheeks and he looked away. I use my index finger to turn his head back to me, but he only seemed to look up into my eyes once. "Look at me," I request softly.

"Uhm..." he took my wrist and lead my hand down to my side, which was a huge shocker, "Don't you at least want to know my name?"


I sigh softly and step backward. Okay, this was not what I was expecting. He's rejecting me.

"What's your name?" I drawl.

"Stephan," he says smiling. The hallway seemed to get a little less crowded, and I assumed everyone went to the cafeteria. There were only a few couples making out against their respective lockers and a group of girl friends, then there was us. I look back down to him, not actually even catching his name. "That's a pretty name," I said anyway.

"Uhm I think... I think I know why-" before he could finish his unimportant sentence, I crashed my lips onto his. He pushed me off, about two seconds later, and he stared at me. It wasn't a disgusted look or anything like that. It seemed like behind this whole 'reject-er' façade, he really wants it. So, I try again. I leaned in and kiss him again. This time, just like I expected, he kissed me back. When I licked his bottom lip to gain entrance, he happily obliged, and I smiled in the kiss.

I guided his hands around my neck and hair then stepped closer. Honestly, it feels so good to be in control of things. This doesn't mean I'm just going to stick to guys smaller than me – I need to try them all. And bet your bottom dollar, I'm definitely going to.

I pull away from him after our heated kiss and he stared at me. He bit his bottom lip and looked away. "You're uh... you're good at that..."

"I know I am. What classes do you have after?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Uh Gym..."

"Are you willing to ditch?"

He stared at me with high eyebrows and I just smirked. Can he really blame me if I want more? He doesn't even know what the fuck he's doing to me with this innocent little act of his. I mean, he doesn't get my heart pumping and lighting striking in my body (like what I definitely felt with Cody), but he definitely has blood rushing somewhere else.

He began to shake his head slowly and I rolled my eyes, "Come on, it's just one class."

"I..." He looked left and right, for some strange reason, then finally back at me. I lean in to kiss him again, just to persuade him a bit more. He apparently wanted to deepen the kiss, and as much as I wanted to do that, I needed to secure my time first, so I pulled away. I stared at his closed eyes  until he slowly opened them and sighed.

"Okay... fine..." he gave in. I flash a side ways smile and kissed him again. Hopefully, he has a car, because I seriously have no other way of getting out of here. I step away from him then nodded my head towards the entrance/exit of the school.


A/N: Okay, this chapter was short and it was practically a filler. But hey, we got to see the other side of Ethan Block. Do you like it or nah? Comment guys, please. Tell me what's going on in your head.

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