33 - Acceptance

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"Look, I didn't actually think you'd be offended by that," I say softly, "I guess I just sort of do shit without thinking and that's like my biggest flaw. I'm like a major screw up and I'm really sorry," I say genuinely. Ashton bit his bottom lip (looking as sexy as hell), and he seemed to be in thought. 

"Am I the female in this relationship?" he randomly asks, which had a permanent confused look on my face. I don't know where this came from or where it could possibly lead. It's just so random. I want to know what's going to happen between us, while he's wondering about that? What the fuck.

"Why does this matter again?" I ask.

"I just want to know."

I groan softly, "Why should it matter? We're gay, why is it necessary to have a male and female if it's a fucking gay relationship?"

"Are you annoyed?" he asks.

"Ashton, I'm going to murder you. Come on, I'm dying over here. Are we okay?" I ask, "Cause, I'm like really sorry and I really, really like you."

"You really like me?" he asks in the most annoying way imaginable.

"Whatever," I scoff and rolled my eyes then turned away from him. I would leave the room, but I still don't want to risk my mother seeing me. She probably already knows I'm here (in here to be exact), but I just don't want to talk to her. If she come into this room, I will literally hide.

"Okay, okay, I'm done," he says with the cutest chuckle, "we're good."

I instantly turn back to him, and smile, "I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, just please don't do that shit," he says. I bite my bottom lip as his hand reached for mine. I flashed a small smile before leaning in to kiss his lips. I was so thankful when he kissed me back, then he kissed me again, this time with tongue. I crawled onto the bed to hover over him. His hand moved down my body and I couldn't help but feel the tiny butterflies as he did so. I bit his bottom lip before pulling away and staring at him. His eyes held lust (which felt like such an accomplishment to me), as he brought my head down to press his lips against mine again. He began to get a bit rough, which was a turn on so I had no obligations.

"Ethan Block!" 

I instantly move off of Ashton as the voice rung into my ear, and I dashed onto the ground, trying to quickly move under the bed. My mom grabbed my leg so I wasn't able to go anywhere. I tried kicking her off, but I don't want to actually kick her, I just need her to let go of my ankle. "Ethan, get up!" she says.

"No, mom, I don't want to see you," I wine, much like a little kid, and I tried to crawl underneath the bed. "Mom, let go!" I screamed.

"Shut up, you'll give the boy a headache, now come with me," she says, pulling on my foot. I groan softly and squeeze my eyes shut. I don't want to go anywhere with her.

"Okay, okay," I finally said, just to stop her from pulling on my leg. She'll fucking pull my skinny legs off. What kind of mother does that? I mean, she has to be the only one who doesn't like her kid. I think every other normal parent wouldn't do this shit. I slowly stood, after she let go of my leg. She stared at me with her hands on her hips, and I couldn't really tell if she was disappointed, confused or just angry.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"I'm staying away from you," I say as I dust off my top and fix it a bit, after she practically dragged me on the ground. Thank God she's the one who does laundry.


"No," I interrupted, "I don't want to hear. You chose your boyfriend over me, so go have him. I'm totally okay with giving up my mom to some old idiot." I scoff and look away.

"You're over reacting," she tells me, "I didn't choose anyone over you, Ethan. come on, be realistic for a minute, okay. I've finally found someone who I'm comfortable around and I'm happy, why am I not allowed to see him?"

"Because he doesn't like me, okay! I'm your son, how could he not like me?"

"Did he tell you that?" she asks. I furrowed my eyebrows, "W-what?"

"Did he tell you he doesn't like you?" she folds her arms across her chest and stared at me, waiting for an answer. Chris didn't actually say the words, but I can read body language. It completely screams 'HATE!'. 

"Well... not really, but-"

"Exactly, you're over reacting, like you usually do. Chris is a good guy and I get you're not so excited for a new man in your life but this is happening, so suck it up big boy," she says, which is not what I expected a mother to tell her son. 

"I'm always excited for new men in my life," I rolled my eyes, only to hear Ashton coughing in the background, and my mother choking on air. I completely forgot we were still in his room, and my eyes widen a bit in embarrassment. I really am a major screw up.

"Uh that's.. that's not uh that's not what I meant," I stumble over my words as I blink between them. My mother shook her head, probably dismissing the comment, and Ashton just stared at me, but I could see a bit of amusement printed faintly on his features.

"Anyway, uh, can you just get over this 'hate', because I love you both and-"

"You love him?" I asked her with widen eyes. She blushed a bit as she glanced at Ashton then back to me, and then she nodded her head. I groaned loudly, while Ashton only smiled. There is nothing to smile about. My eyes remained on Ashton for a while and I realize  I shouldn't even care about my mom's relationship with Chris. I guess all that matters is just that she's happy, and since I'm happy also, I think things are okay. If she loves him, then so be it.

"Okay," I spoke, "Great."

"Great?" she asked me.

"Yeah. Go be with him, love him, do what you do. It's none of my business," I finally decided. My mother stared at me for a moment, realizing that I was serious, and there was no insult trailing after that statement. I stepped back and took a seat on Ashton's bed and somehow our hands found each other.

"Well, thank you," she nodded at me.

"I mean, I still don't like him, but I'll try not to voice my opinion," I say to her.

"Thank you, honey," she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around me, then whispered, "And you'll always be my first choice." I smile and kiss her cheek. When she pulled away, she smiled then her eyes went across to Ashton. She asked him, "How are you feeling? Are you okay? Is Ethan bothering you?"

Ashton chuckled before shaking his head, "No, uh, not yet."

I scoff before looking back at him, "he's lying. He's practically in love with me."

My mom sighed softly before shaking her head a bit, "I don't know why I'm even condoling this right now." I begin to laugh softly, "You're in love with me also. It's okay, mom. I get it. You created a God."

"Sure," she rolled her eyes and turned on her heels. When she left the room, I turned back to Ashton and smirked before I pecked his lips. "You definitely love me."

"Whatever you say," he says and kissed me back.


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