34 - Here you are again

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The next day was Saturday and I decided I needed a change of scenery. I'm always inside on my phone or somewhere that is not outside, so I decided to go for a walk today. There is a park nearby, so I plan on walking around a few times, then I'll go back home and relax on my phone. i was actually shocked at how pretty it is on the outside world. Trees and greenery at the park is actually not suffocating and ugly. And the kids playing with their friends, parents or dogs, isn't as annoying as I expected.

I shocked myself when I actually smiled at the sight. I mean, I could just google perfect landscapes, but actually being here in it right now, is kind of cool. I began considering doing this more often, but then I remembered it's just a one-time thing and doing this 'walking/exercise' thing is slowly killing me. I'm dying slowly right now - but the view is great.

Literally though. I can see the body of a shirtless guy running in my direction, but i can't really see his face (I'm convinced I will be needing glasses in the near future). I know that his body is fucking perfect, though. I can definitely see that. I bite my bottom lip softly as I stared at him.

He drew closer, until he finally stopped in front of me, and I could have almost puked on the entire world. I swallowed a gulp and my eyes widened. I can't believe I found this asshole good-looking. I took a step back, watching as he smiled at me.

"Hey, Ethan, i didn't know you come here," Chris says, like the idiot he is.

"I don't," I tell him quickly. He nodded his head awkwardly then blinked around for a moment. I wanted to walk away, but as I began to move my leg, he said, "Hey, would you like to have some guy-time.. i don't know, hang out."

I chuckled at how awkward he sounded saying that to me. He's old and shouldn't say stuff like 'hang out'. He sounds like a pedophile. "Look, I just want to get to know you better, seeing as your mom and I are so close, you know."

"That's really unnecessary," I mutter to him. He shook his head, "Come on, Ethan. We have to get along sometime."

"No, we don't. I'm perfectly happy hating you, and you can be perfectly happy hating me. I'm okay - I've got my mom, I don't need you," I bluntly say. Chris nodded his head once then looked away from. I can't help it if not one bone in my body likes him. He just annoys me to an unexplainable extent. My phone began to ring, which was more perfect that I could possible imagine. I took it out and held it up, showing him I have to take the call. Chris nodded once more before walking away from me.

I smiled at the phone for saving me from that great amount of awkwardness. It was obviously Cody - he's the only person who I actually care to answer the phone for. I continued to smile as I greeted him. "Thank you for calling."

"It's no problem, babe."

"I know," I roll my eyes, "So, how was the game?"

"We won!" he rejoiced.

"That's really great!" I answer, in the same amount of excitement as him. I'm genuinely happy for him, although I wasn't allowed to go. I can tell he's happy, which is what makes me happy.

"Yeah, that was actually the last game for the season."

"Wow, that was a really short season," I commented.

"Were you always this annoying?" he asked me, which made me chuckle. I know this means he'll be back for a while, which is so fricking great because I missed him. But then it'll be kind of bad because I'm currently with Ashton and I don't plan on leaving him anytime soon.

"Yes, I think so," I smile and continue my walk, "So, you're coming back..."

"That I am," he answers.

"Well uh just so you know, I'm in a committed relationship, so don't try anything."

"I don't have to try, Ethan - you're the one who should be trying to resist me."

"Not really, because I have someone and I don't need you," I let him know. Cody scoffed, "Whatever you say."

I bite my bottom lip, scanning my brain for something else to say. Okay, I know he's somewhat right about that but I'm not going to admit that, and I'll definitely control myself when he's here. I'm not that weak. I mean, I have Ashton and I'm happy with Ashton. I can go some weeks or something with Cody being here and not do anything.

"So uh when are you coming?" I decided to change the topic from being on me. 

"On Monday."

"And you're going to stay in some big place because you have money now, huh?" I ask with raised eyebrows. 

"No, not really," he simply replied, "I actually have no idea where the hell I'm going to stay." I would suggest my place but my mother would never, ever allow that. And then his place is taken over by probably the government or something - I don't know. I just know he doesn't have it now. And his Dad is a no-no. His father is those drunk assholes who doesn't give a shit about anything besides his beer. Cody doesn't want to be back there and I don't want him back there.

Before he moved out, they were always and I mean always fighting. It wasn't just arguments - it was actual punches being thrown. It was scary as hell to witness and I didn't know who I was more afraid for. His dad was obviously drunk as hell but Cody didn't even seem to care as he beat his dad. It was by far the most violent thing I've ever seen.

Eventually I stopped Cody, and that day he moved out. They fought over something as stupid as a cup of fucking Ramen noodles (which pissed me off a lot) but as it went on, it led to more serious matters between then and that's how the fight began. It's really disturbing, but Cody had a point.

"Look, I could ask my mom if you could stay a while, but I highly doubt she would say yes," I eventually speak.

"No, you don't have to."

"Yes, I do. I'll tell you when I get a reply," I say to him. I know I'm setting myself up for failure, but I can't just sit around knowing he has no where to go when he comes back. He has no one really, besides me - I'm not going to leave him.


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