23 - New Friends

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I probably failed my test because my mind remained on Ashton all day long. It's sad that he rejected me and I just can't stop thinking about him. I was zoning in and out of classes all day long, and I think Hannah noticed, but she didn't say anything on it. So, I remained by myself for almost the entire day. The 'almost' part came in when I met a guy after school at some supermarket Hannah had dragged me to. He actually made me forget for a while and God did it feel good. 

At the moment, I'm at home on my laptop. My mother had a day off, so she's home also. We barely spoke to each other, and frankly I was happy about that. I don't want to talk about anything that happened the night before. I'm over it all and I'm done. He's straight and that's it. I can't do anything about that.

My mom came to the couch and took a seat next to me. She took my laptop from in my hands and began to read the conversation I was having with Cody. My eyes widened as she began to scroll up a bit, and so I instantly grab the laptop from her. "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" she asks, facing me, then blinking down at the laptop. I close down the lid and flashed her a smile. In a matter of seconds she began to smile also, "Whatever you were doing, I need you to stop, so you can go study."

"Seriously?" I ask her.

"Yes. School is much more important than those scrumy boys your chasing," she scoffed. She knew who I was talking to, so she is basically insulting Cody, which is practically insulting me. I fold my arms across my chest and huff, "He's not ... scrumy..." I roll my eyes.

My mother sighed, "He's a high school drop-out, honey, I think that classifies as 'scrumy'."

"Mom, can you not do this right now? I'm trying to be happy, and you insulting my boyfriend doesn't really help."

"Boyfriend? You're together again?" she asks.

"No..." I slowly begin to simmer down, "I wish. I don't know why he even left. Now I'm stuck with a straight guy who hates me." 

"He doesn't hate you, Ethan. Just give him time, okay?" she says in that motherly tone that actually makes everything seem like it will be perfect. How do mothers do it? I have no idea. 

"You're really good at this," I tell her honestly. She cracked a smile and shook her head, "What?"

"You're a good mom, like really good."

"Well thank you. I try my best," she smiled at me. 

"Okay, well, I have to go study thanks to my epic mother," I sarcastically said. She rolled her eyes then messed up my hair by ruffling it like a dog. I groan loudly as I stood up. I don't want to study, but I hope it gets my mind off of every thing.


I glanced down at the single text on my phone, which dictated my entire night, and a smile appeared on my face. Home is depressing, school is tiring, and the hospital is just... fucking horrible. I need to drink and probably do drugs and dance like a madman, and just be happy for once. 

When I asked my mom, I was actually really shocked when she allowed me to go. She says she doesn't want me dying of boredom at home, so she's allowing me. I don't buy it at all. I just have a feeling that that idiot Chris is coming over. But I'm glad she didn't tell me, though, because that would have really downed my vibe. My mother gave me a specific time to get back (obviously), but I highly doubt I would respect that. If I do, all I'll do is worry - which is not what I want to do. I'm letting loose tonight.

Hannah came to pick me up pretty late at night. Chris had already arrived and since I hate even breathing the same air as him, I went outside to wait. Thankfully, Hannah arrived about ten minutes after (although those ten minutes felt like ten centuries). She greeted me with a hug and a rather loud screech.

"No more moping, bitch!" she tells me as she ruffled my hair. God, I hate that.

"I worked hard on my hair, you know," I roll my eyes. Hannah began to laugh just as the car roared to life. After a short while, I begin to grin, just like Hannah. Parties just makes everyone happy. We arrived at our destination in what seemed like no time. Hannah hopped out of  the car while pulling down her rather short dress, only for it to ride back up. I smiled at her and shook my head. She could be more of a whore than me when she's ready.

The moment I entered the house, I went for a drink. As I was downing the alcohol, my eyes stared up at the fancy lights on the ceiling, then I eventually took in my surroundings. I realized this place would have been really beautiful if there weren't dancing, drunken teenagers all over the place. When I was walking in I hadn't even realized how fancy the host actually was (or his/her parents).

I got myself another cup of alcohol and down that in a minute. It wasn't long until I was tugged by Hannah to dance. I don't know how long I was dancing like an idiot with Hannah and drinking alcohol like I have never before, but I began to feel a bit tired. I was all up for some party games, however - anything that had to with more alcohol and making out, I'm in. Unfortunately, the only thing I really got was the alcohol because there were only fucking females willing to make out - which is a bit depressing.

So, i find myself drinking helplessly on the staircase. My back was leaned against the wall and my legs stretched out on the stairs. A soft sigh left my lips. I'm still drunk as fuck but I'm just not in the mood to prance around like a high reindeer. I want to have a late night drunk conversation right now, but no one here seems to share that feeling with me.

"I needs a boyfriend!" I shout into the party, but no one really cares.

A few seconds later, someone said, "You can have mine." It sounded like a male's voice and I actually got happy for a minute. When I looked down the stairs to where the voice came from, I found a female stepping up the staircase. She sat down on the step below me in the opposite direction. "Although you might not really like him because he's a complete asshole."

"Really?" I asked her. She nodded her head and blinked downwards. 

"Yeah... according to him, I'm just an ugly man," she says and I could see a single tear slip down her cheek. The light was a bit dim in this place, but I didn't really need light to know her boyfriend is wrong. "You're perfect, honestly," I smile and she blinked up at me. As much as I wanted to get laid tonight, I think this right here would be so much better than that. And it gets my mind off things - which was my original intention.

"Thank you," she says to me.

"I just call it how I see it," I wink at her.

She begins to laugh, "That was so horrible. But thanks anyway."

It actually feels really good to make someone smile the way she is smiling at me. I feel all warm in the heart - plus I made a new friend. And mixed with the alcohol, I forgot what the fuck I was moping about,


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