38 - Relief?

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{WARNING: Sexual Content}

She hasn't interrupted once. Cody has been here for hours with me, and she hasn't tried to enter the room. Of course, we locked it, but I'm certain she didn't come around. I think I'm happy about that. I'm honestly in no mood to see or speak to her right now. I'm just beginning to get back to normal because of Cody, I can't ruin my days work by speaking to her.

Cody was lying on my bed, with his phone in hand, while I was sitting crossed legs on the ground against my bed, going through everything I missed on the internet. It was a lot. I missed some of my favorite television shows - now I'm behind. For the entire time Cody has been here, all we did was sit and talked, so we reserved this time for social media. It's a bit backwards if you think about it.

As I'm scrolling through Instagram on my phone, Cody spoke up, "Are you hungry?"

"No... not really."

"Well in that case, you are definitely going to get something to eat," he says to me. His legs came off the bed in a way that I ended up sitting between them. He rose my head to look up then leaned down and kissed my lips, up-sided down. When he moved away, I spoke, "I'm not leaving this room."

"Yes, you are. Come on," he groans and stand up. Next, he leaned down and picked up my laptop then closed the lid. I grumbled lowly at his actions, resisting the urge to kick him in the leg. Cody stared down at me and narrowed his eyes. After a few seconds of being completely still and silent, he came down to me and took a seat on the ground also. He took my hand in his and laced them together.

"Look at me," he requests. When I do, he places a gentle kiss on my lips, but I pull away a bit. I stared into his shocked eyes for a brief moment, before connecting our lips again. The kiss was deep and passionate, making a soft moan leave my lips in a matter of seconds. I climbed on top of him to straddle him and continued kissing. Cody's hand went to the back of my head as he continued to bring me closer and closer to him - if that was even possible. I grind my hips into him, which obviously turned him on even more, as he began to kiss me harder. I wasted no time to pull off his top, then I began kissing down his neck. Just hearing him let out a soft moan under his breath is enough for me. I reached down for his pants belt and quickly began to unbuckle it indicating that I don't want to just kiss him right now.

However, his hand came over mine to stop me. Confusion and shock was both written all over my face as I blinked up at Cody. He never usually denies sex or anything at all of the sort. This is a definite shocker to me. After some seconds of taking in my confused look, he finally said, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm positive... I need you," I lean into him and press my chest to his.

"Ethan, your mom is in the house," he points out.

"She doesn't even care. Please, Cody," I practically beg.

"Sex isn't going to help-"

"Well it's better than just sitting here doing nothing, right?" His hands run down my body and stopped at my ass. He stared at me, looking as though he was trying to contain himself. I seductively bit my bottom lip, knowing how much that turns him on, then lean in and place a tiny kiss on his neck. I began to kiss his neck more passionately, while sucking his well-known to me, sweet spot. Cody pulled me off of him and stared at me for a brief moment, only to smash our lips back together again.

I got on my knees so he would raise his head to kiss me, then I began to kiss down his neck. I pulled away for him to take off my top. Cody stared at my body, which is something I've gotten all too accustomed to. I don't know what could possibly be so fascinating about my skinny, deformed chest. But he stares at me like I'm one of the Gods, and with so much love.

"Babe, I love you," he says to me softly as he continued to stare. I nodded my head quickly, "I love you too, so much..."

I grind myself on top him as I began kissing him once again. Cody sits up then he places me down, so that he was on top. I continued to undo his pants then quickly begin to push it downward, then kick it off with my feet, while he worked on leaving dozens and dozens of hickeys on my neck and chest area. Using one hand, he unbuttoned my pants and effortlessly slid it off of me along with my boxers.

Cody next began to kiss down my body while his hands held my wrists above my head. Eventually, as he go lower, he let go of my hands and they automatically go into his hair. Tugging on his hair like my life depended on it. A low moan left my lips as he kissed along my waistline - slowly getting closer and closer to my already standing member. However, he stopped soon after then came up to kiss my lips again.

From his jeans, he retrieved a condom, then passed it to me, like he usually does. Cody's breathing was heavy as he watched me rip open the condom pack with my teeth, then went to slide it onto him. My movements were slow, which I guess triggered him even more, and so the moment the condom was fully on, he turned me around and slammed right into me - causing a moan of complete pleasure leave my lips.

"Fuck, babe," he says in a low growl. A mixture of absolute bliss and pleasure took over me as Cody moved in and out of me. It's definitely what I needed. I hung my head backwards as I moaned his name. He took me in his hand and stroked rhythmically as he move inside of me, making it even more pleasurable for me. "I love you," I mutter.

"I... I love-"

"Ethan! Honey, can I speak to you?" My eyes widened when I realized that it was my mother, and she was right outside the door, but I was also completely lost in the moment, and apparently so was Cody. He didn't even hesitate once.

"Ethan!" she called again, "It's serious. If you don't open the door, I'll open it myself."

"Fuck... I'm coming!" I say.

"You are?" asked Cody. I shake my head to him. But I have to answer the door for my mom.

"S-stop," I tell him.

"Fuck," he cursed and slid out of me then rolled over on the ground.

"Ethan! Open the door! What the hell are you doing? I need to speak to you," she shouts through my door. I lay on my back on the ground and let out a loud groan. What the fuck is she doing? She interrupted one of the possible greatest moments of my life. I sat up and got a bed sheet to wrap around myself, feeling mighty lazy to just put back on my boxers.

"What could it possibly be?" I asked her as I open the door, slowly beginning to catch my breath. It's impossible to even begin to fathom that she just did that.

"You're back? He did work!" she pulled me in a hug. I rolled my eyes and push her back softly. "Mom, I was kind of busy..." I mutter.

"Well, get un-busy, because Chris just invited us to dinner again. I think he really wants to make it okay between you two, and honestly I think so too," she says.

"I can't... I'm in mourning... plus Cody is here and I can't leave him," I say, nodding back into the room. She shook her head, "You're going, Ethan. Now go take a shower, you stink."

I scoff and my eyes widened, but she had already walked away. She's forcing me to do this. How great. I've finally began to feel better about things then she decides to carry me to Chris - like that'll help. How does he even do this? Does he just wake up after an afternoon nap and say 'I'd like to personally torture Ethan. I'll take them to dinner again'?

I turn around finally, to my room. I furrowed my eyebrows, then began to bite my bottom lip softly when I found Cody jacking-off - which I think he could have waited on me, because I'm certain I do it better.


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