chapter fucking twenty four

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(A/n another fucking time jump bc I don't want to write a whole pregnancy)

Ryans pov 7 months later

I got the call that bones' was in the hostpital and that the baby was born. I didnt even get to be there. When we went to the hospital that day months ago we found out she was 2 months pregnant.

Later we ended up breaking up. I overheard her talking to ethan saying she wasn't ready to be with me again yet. So I told her to call me for the doctors appointments and when the baby was due. She didn't do either of those things. When we werent touring She went with ricky or Chris and sometimes even angelo whenever she would go to her doctors appointments. She didn't even call me for going into labor, fucking ricky did.  I'm so mad at her I could fucking blow up.

As I drove to the hospital I listened to placebo. Special needs came on and I thought of our first coffee date. Bones hasn't talked to me in almost 7 months. Honestly at this point I'm over all of the bullshit. We made a baby together and that's all I'm going to be to her. Her child's father. I don't even know how often I'm going to get to interact with the kid because of touring and music.

When I got to the hospital ricky was standing outside smoking. He smiled when he saw me and gave me a hug.

"Do I atleast get to know the gender of the baby?" I asked walking with ricky into the hospital.

Ricky just smirked. We got into the elevator and up to the floor. Bones was in the room talking to someone.

I think it was Chris.

When we got in bones smiled at me. I just glared.

"Glad you could make it. I texted you a few times and called atleast 20 yesterday evening. " Bones said.

"I literally haven't gotten any of those calls or texts. I apologize." I said in a monotone voice.

She rolled her eyes. "Well. In a minutes they're going to be bringing the baby in. Until then I want you in the bathroom because the name and gender are a surprise " she said.

"Fine" I said walking into the bathroom pacing.

Minutes later the nurse walked in with a little cart thing that they have babies in and our baby.

"Good morning Ms. O'Malley how are you feeling today" she asked

"Good. Thank you.  " she said. "Ry you can come out now" she whisper yelled. I walked out and the nurse left.

"This is Athena Ryan Sitkowski. She's a girl and she really wants to meet her daddy" Bones said starring at Athena.

My heart melted. Besides her eyes she looked just like me. Brown hair, same nose. Even her little lips are the same. She has bones' little ears and she has the cutest hands and cheeks.

Bones started to hand her to me and I put her in my arms making sure to support her neck.

"Hi beautiful girl. I'm your daddy." I said while kissing her forehead. She made cute little baby noises and looked at me 

"You are the love of my life Athena. Everything I have and everything I am is yours, forever " I whispered to her. A single tear rolled down my cheek and she started crying.

"I think she's hungry " rick said.

I handed her to bones and bones took her in his arms. Chris and ricky walked out and gave us some privacy.

"She's beautiful " I said quietly while bones was breast feeding her

"She looks just like you ry. " Bones said laughing a little.

"She looks like you too, bones " I said sitting at the foot of the hospital bed.

A day and a half later bones was aloud to go home. When she got there she called me over and we hung out with Athena. She was so gorgeous it was ridiculous. She had the most perfect little tummy and feet. She had the most beautiful hands and cheeks. She was gorgeous. I never thought I could love anything or anyone as much as I love this little girl.

After Athena was asleep and bones put her in her crib her and I started to talk.

I was fuming and I wanted my anger to explode all over her. I wanted her to almost despise me.

"Why didn't you call for any appointments " I asked kind of mad.

"Because ryan you left, again. Like you said you wouldn't. But you did " she said.

"Because you told ethan you weren't ready" I whisper yelled

"I told him I wasn't ready to marry you just yet. Not that I wasn't ready to be your girlfriend. I love you ryan. " I said.

"Yeah? well I'm done. I'm over this Bones. I'm done trying to get you. I'm done chasing you. I'm just done. As far as I'm concerned you're the mother of my child and nothing more to me " I said

Bones looked beyond hurt. I didn't care right now.

"I'll come over every day to see Athena but other than that I'm gone " I said.

She nodded and wiped a tear off of her face. "Okay. Then leave. Again. " she spoke. Her voice was scratchy.

I turned towards the door and smiled to myself knowing everything was going according to plan. Step one complete: piss bones off and lock the door but hide the key in my pocket for any future we may have together

Step two? Make her jealous.

Step three: have her be ridiculously jealous of me and one of her close friends: Maggie.

Step four: have ricky tell bones I'm proposing to maggie

Step five: go to this forest area where she said she wanted to get married, lay out fake candles and flowers everywhere and wait for her to show up to stop me 

Step six: make her say yes.

See I've had this plan for months. Since before she talked to ethan. He was talking to her that day making sure she said something like that.

My plan? To act like I didn't care about her and come up with this plan to get married. I knew I was going to marry that girl since our very first date.

(**COMPLETED **)then you meant it. (Ryan Sitkowski) Where stories live. Discover now