party pt2

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Ryans pov
This girl walked out of this really sick car and came up to me while I was smoking on the porch. I don't really like parties. But it was something to do with the boys before we tour in a month. We're at this guy named ethans house and he's really cool. I just don't like people.

She asked if I was cold and we talked for a bit, she was gorgeous, stunning. I couldn't even find words. I wanted to talk to her so bad. All of the time honestly. She's just so cool. She had long dark hair. Coffin shaped nails. She was wearing a expire shirt. They're such a good band. She said she records bands. I'll have to talk to the band about her. She pulled me inside to go and meet Maggie. She also called than ethan guy babe. It kinda bugged me because we were talking and he interrupted. We were walking through the party and couldn't find Maggie so she took me over to the bar stools next to the counter and we continued to talk.

"So who all have you recorded " I asked

"Code orange, plot, expire, counter parts today actually. Alot more too. You should come by sometime. " she said and smiled.

She's so cool it's unbelievable

"I will definitely try to do so once I come back from tour. " I said. She looked kind of disappointed but smiled anyway

"Great. I'll look forward to it " she smiled and looked around. People kept coming up to her and talking to her and interrupting her. It sort of pissed me off. Chris came up eventually.

"Hey Chris what's up" I asked and looked at him.

"Hey man. This is a really great party. Oh and hi I'm Chris by the way " he said talking to me and then talking to bones.

She smiled. "Hey man, nice to meet you Im bones. "

"That's such a kick ass name. Bones? Is that like a nickname or your real one?" He asked. I glared at him. Who asks that?

She laughed " yeah its my real name. I yet that alot. So are you and Ryan in motionless together?" She asked.

"Yeah " he said and smiled "im the vocalist. Ryan plays guitar. Our drummer Angelo is around somewhere. And our bassist tj and other guitarist Rick is here somewhere and balz is around too" he said

She almost spit out her drink at the name balz. I smiled

"Is balz his name or a nickname" she joked playing around with Chris after his comment on her name

He laughed pretty hard. " its his last name but what a cool name right? " He said

"I'll have to meet this guy so we can talk about our weird names " she joked.

"Hey dude actually that'd be really cool if you could find him, and the band. Bones here records and she has her own studio. She said she'd record us some time " I said cutting in so I could have at least another five minutes talking to bones alone.

"Dude seriously " Chris asked bones

"Definitely. Ethan speaks highly and some other artists have spoken verrrrry highly of you guys. I'd be honored " she said to Chris

Chris smiled really big and walked over to balz and by balz looking over at us I'm assuming Chris told him. They walked off to I'm assuming find the rest of the guys.

I just looked at bones. She was beautiful. I must of been zoning out for a minute or two looking at her because she put her hand on my leg and smiled

"Im sorry. What did you say I kinda zoned there. " I said.

She looked hurt.

"Oh my gosh I sound like an asshole. I was just starring at your eyelashes and they're ridiculously long" I said. I sounded stupid but atleast she looked happier.

She laughed. Fuckkkk her laugh was beautiful. "I said if you're not busy tomorrow we should go get coffee. "

"Tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah totally I like coffee tomorrow sounds great. " I said sounding overly eager. I'm such a mess

She smiled and bit her lip. She grabbed a marker from the counter and wrote on a napkin "here's where to meet me and what time. " she handed it to me. I smiled.

"Couldn't I just text you? Or call. " I asked. She laughed.

"But this makes me seem mysterious and cool. " she laughed again.
God her laugh was so beautiful.
I just looked at her and smiled. Hanging onto her every word.

Chris and the guys came up and talked to her about touring soon and recording when they come back.

"Here's my number Chris. Text me whenever you come back and let me know what's up. Or call " she said sliding her number on another napkin to Chris. What the hell why did she give me an address and him a number? Lanky dick. Always pulling all of the girls.

They walked away and she started talking to this guy named Josh. I interrupted for a second "im sorry to interrupt. I'm going out for a smoke. " I said with a smile. Like she actually cares where I went?

"Hey. I'll be out there in a sec. This is my friend Josh. He plays in plot " she smiled. I was relieved. I shook joshed hand and walked outside.

She was so beautiful. So beautiful.

"Hey ryan. " she said smiling and walking outside closing the door behind her.

"Okay this seems forward. This seems lame and stupid but it kinda made me upset. You asked me for coffee i know its completely friendly but you gave chris your number but not me and it kinda made me upset. " I couldn't help it. I couldn't even explain why I said it if I tried. I just opened my mouth.

She just smiled and giggled. "I gave him my work cell. Like I said I just wanted to be mysterious mister Ryan. "
That calmed me. She calmed me. Her presence did. She is beautiful.
We talked over a few more cigarettes and laughed and joked about people in the music business we know. But before I knew it she checked her phone for the time and had to go. She kissed my cheek and told me it was great meeting me. I felt the same. She's so cool. She's so great.

I sighed once she left and decided to go to.

(**COMPLETED **)then you meant it. (Ryan Sitkowski) Where stories live. Discover now