• Chapter 1 •

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I read the number back and saw I had wrote down a 2 where there should be a 5... so once again I sended the same text but now to the correct person (I hope).

I also decided to just text the other person back, because hey, making new friends isn't that bad right? I'm not too scared about the whole 'maybe he's an old man' thingy as I've had great online friends in the past. And besides, I'm almost 20, I think I can take care of myself.

Me: 'Hi stranger. Not too happy about the fact I got tickets though... Not really a fan of the band. Just wanted to make my lil sister happy. But yea, see you there I guess.'

It did feel weird sending a text to someone I didn't know at all. It was pretty posible that this guy/girl was a lot younger or older as me. Even if I've had a lot online friendships before, they were always from the same fanbase or we knew we had something in common before we started talking.

When my phone buzzed I saw I got a reply from Megan. I knew she wouldn't be paying attention to her classes.


Did I already say that she is absolutly obsessed over this band and always slightly over reacts?

I decided not to answer her as she does needs to pay attention to class and replying would make her even more distracted.

I put down my phone and closed my laptop ready to move to the couch and not move for the rest of the morning when my phone buzzed once again, this time from the stranger.

Stranger: 'You don't like their music? I think their songs are pretty good. it's nice that you would do that for your sister'

Me: 'Well their music is okay, I'm just not into the whole fangirling thing and I'm going to have to spend the whole evening between fan girls.'

Stranger: 'I get your point. I have a place away from the fangirls so that's nice.'

Me: 'ah you're a lucky one. Probably going to ask my boss if I can work that night instead of standing in between the fans.'

Stranger: 'work? You're ditching your sister to go to work?'

Me: 'I work at the arena, as a photographer/reporter and to help set up everything. So if I would work that evening I'd just be at the other side of the fences instead of with her. She will be glad I'm not with her.'

Stranger: 'that's pretty cool I think I've seen some of your work at the arena. so you get to meet the band aswell?'

Me: 'I get to meet most people that play there when I'm working. It's pretty cool but no, I can't help you get backstage'

Stranger: 'don't worry, you'll see me backstage anyway ;)'

Well that's a bit creepy.

After that text I decided to leave him alone and just go back to my original plan of laying on the couch doing absolutly nothing.

I've been watching tv for the past 1,5 hour when my phone buzzed. When I looked at the contact I saw it was the stranger once again.

Stranger: 'I hope I didn't scare you away, I got backstage passes so that's why.'

Me: 'You don't even know to what show I am going so how could you know we'd see eachother?'

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