• Chapter 13 •

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(Alex's POV)

It has been 2 days since Luke left my appartment. I had tried calling him a 100 times and sended him a thousand texts. Calum had told me he came home 3 hours after he left me that night. Meaning him giving me no reply at all was completly my fault.

Tomorrow will be my 20th birthday and right now I was just feeling like not getting out of bed untill my 21st birthday.

Now Luke isn't talking to me anymore I started realising how much he means to me and that I basically have no friends except for Luke.

Today I had to go to a family dinner for my birthday.. I finally got out of bed and took some cereal for breakfast.

I turned on the radio and the first song I hear them playing was ofcourse 5 seconds of summer. I decided not to turn off the radio and just listen. They are good, I can't deny that.

I dyed my hair back to normal yesterday. As today was one of those special, wear a dress and look nice, days.

When I finished my breakfast I took a quick shower and tried to find out a dress that I didn't hate. I decided to go for a simple darker blue dress. It was short and strapless so that would mean they'd still hate it, but I was wearing a dress and that's the only thing they cared about.

I put on my much loved black converse before going to the bathroom to do my hair and make up ugh. I decided to let my hair loose and only put on as little as possible make up on.

See, my parents never liked the idea of me not wearing dresses and make up, scared I'd turn out being gay. I have nothing against gay people, but they do. But we had found this deal that I could wear whatever I liked during the year but on family partys or when we went to a restaurant I would wear a dress and make up. They had agreed with the fact that I didn't have to wear high heels. My knees and ankles are pretty messed up and wearing heels makes it painfull for me.

When I was completly finished I heard a knock on my door. I had no clue who it could be but when I looked through the hole in the door I saw Luke.

I opened the door slowly and looked at him, but he looked anywhere he could except for me.

"Can I come in?" He almost whispered. I opened the door more so he could come in and when his eyes landed on me he stopped right in his tracks staring at me. "So I don't talk to you for 2 days and when I come over you're wearing make up and a dress."

"Family birthday dinner." I looked away from him trying to escape his stare

"You look so amazing. But like really amazing." I could still feel his eyes on me when he walked inside, closing the door behind him.

"Why did you ignore me Luke?" I now looked up at him, looking right into his eyes

"I don't know." He scratched the back of his neck, not breaking eye contact. "I thought that if we didn't talk for a few days we could both decide what we want. And I did. I thought a lot about it and I know that you're the only thing that I want, as a friend, nothing more untill you are ready for it. You drive me insane with every little thing you do, but not talking to you is only worse. I really do want to try to just be your friend."

"Do you want to go to this family dinner with me?" I asked when he was done

"I'd love to, but I look like shit and seeing as how you're dressed it's going to be fancy." I laughed a little as he looked me up and down again

"It isn't anything fancy, it's just my family coming together for my birthday tomorrow. I just have this deal with them that I wear a dress on family dinners. Most people will be dressed just like you. But let's be happy you're wearing a flannel today and no tank top."

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