• Chapter 31 •

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I was taking my high heels out ofmy bag when I heard a knock on the door, 10minutes early. I walked over to the door on my bare feet to let him in first.

"Why are you always too early?" I smiled at him and opened the door far enough

"Hello to you too." He laughed a little and looked me up and down. "I just couldn't wait untill I could look at you again."

"Remember I'm not scared to just turn you down right here at this moment." I sended him a quick glare before smiling again. I turned around and took my heels putting them on.

"You must know that you look absolutly gorgeous today and I probably won't accept you turning me down and kidnap you again." He laughed a little and followed me inside.

"You look pretty cute yourself today" I smiled at him when I was done walking over to him. I took my purse on my way over to him, when I reached him I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek before walking to the door.

"If I can give you a hint, even if I love seeing you in high heels, change them for something more comfortable." He said with a grin while I was waiting at the door.

"Now you're making me very curious as to what you've decided to do." I walked over to my bed and sat down to put on my favourite black shoes.

"It's a suprise" He smiled and when I was done he held out his hand for me. I returned his smile and took his hand in mine. We walked out of my room and I locked the door behind me.

We walked to the back of the hotel where we could go on the beach.

Was he seriously taking me to the beach on our first date?

"Last time I screwed up when we went to the beach, so I wanted to do it over again. This time I promise I won't avoid you for a few days" He said laughing a little "not that that's possible now we tour together."

"You better not screw up this time" I had a big smile on my face when I saw where he was going. A few meters away there was a blanket put down, a picknick basket and candles.

Could it be any more cliche and romantic?

"I promise I won't." He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"So, who helped you with all of this?" I asked a small grin on my face

"I'm not going to start our first date with lying so Ashton and Michael both helped."

"Remind me to thank them tomorrow" We both sat down facing the ocean. "It's beautiful here."

I looked to my side and saw Luke already looking at me. "I got us pizza for dinner, I hope you don't mind."

"You could have gotten us sandwiches for dinner and I wouldn't have minded." I laughed a little and looked back infront of me, watching the waves grow and fall down again.

"Ashton was going to bring the pizza when the pizza guy got at the hotel. But I got some beers or water or cola." He opened the basket and took out one of each.

"It's good you remembered that I don't drink." I took the cola and opened it. He ofcourse went for the beer.

"How could I forget. I still can't believe it, but I respect your decission."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Ofcourse, you can ask me anything"

"How is it possible that after turning you down so many times, you still want to be around me?" I looked at him now, a small smile on my face. He looked infront of him, not turning around to speak.

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