• Chapter 6 •

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Lukey: Hey Alex?

Me: yessss

Lukey: I can't make it tonight. I have been sick all day and can't keep any food or drinks inside. I'm sorry.

I didn't expect that he could have such a big effect on me. I was so disapointed with this text. I was actually looking forward to tonight but now it's just going to suck.

The soundcheck had just ended and there were seriously so many weird questions.

One girl who was dressed up as french fries asked the guys if they shave their knees when they wear pants with holes in them. I mean like, you can ask your favorite band one single question and then you ask that. I don't get this fanbase.

I was now backstage to get all my stuff. I was almost done to get everything ready when the door of the staff dressing room opened. I looked around to see Luke and Ashton coming inside laughing with eachother.

"Oh shit. Wrong room." Ashton said when he looked around

"Your dressing room is at the end of the hallway." I said giving them a smile

"Thank you, Alex right?" Ashton asked me.

"Yes Alex it is." I smiled looking at him. I put the camera band around my shoulder and took my smaller camera in my other hand. "Are you guys excited for the concert tonight?"

"Yes absolutly! It's always amazing to do a concert here in Syndey." Ashton smiled at me while Luke was just looking down at the ground not saying a word.

"Do you guys know if there were backstage tickets for sale for this concert?"

"No I don-" Ashton started off

"They weren't for sale, but there were 2 given away for a magazine." Luke said interupting Ashton.

"Oh yea right!"

"Okay, well I need to get the last things ready. I'll see you guys after the concert again" I said before walking out with them, I walked over to the side of the stage to see almost everyone had already taken their seats. I took a look at my phone to see that te opening act was going to be on stage in 15minutes.

Time to get ready.

I went to the front of the stage and leaned against the fences while waiting for them to come up, trying to make sure I wasn't standing in the way of too many people. Just a few seconds later I saw my sister waving at me from the front of the standing area. I walked over to her to congratulate her with getting the front places.

"Hi Megan" I said when I was standing infront of her.

"Hey Alex, do you know at what time the opening act will come up?"

"10 min, they were already getting ready." I said noticing a few people trying to listen to our conversation.

"Have you seen the guys already?" She asked, you could hear how excited she was

"Yes, they're very excited to play tonight." I said, right after I felt someone tapping my shoulder from behind me.

I was faced with Samuel, one of the security people, when I turned around

"Hey Alex, there's a little problem backstage and they need you. Steve said it was okay if you missed the opening act to come up, this is more important." He wishpered in my ear. It was always very important that non of the fans found out when there was a problem or anything like that.

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