• Chaper 28 •

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Michael had decided to leave the tour bus so Ashton and I could talk alone. All I could hope for was that we would be able to be the best friends we were before.

"I'm sorry for being so distand the last few days. I just had a lot on my mind and don't want to get in another fight with Luke over you.." He finally said after being silent for a while

"I talked with Luke and told him to accept the fact that we're great friends. If he starts fighting you about that I will make sure he knows that's not going to make me come back to him."

"Luke still likes you a lot" He said with a small chuckle "I really am sorry for how I behaved. I shouldn't have done that. You are indeed my best friend and I do't want to loose you. Besides, you're the only one I can talk to about her."

"How's everything going? Are you still texting Stella every day?" I asked seriously interested

"She's coming here with my parents next week. I really can't wait untill she gets here. The day they arrive is one of our days off so I thought we could go out or something. Maybe ask her if she wants to be mine. We're in Paris that day so it could be extremly romantic" He said smiling like an idiot and blushing a little, something he did every time he would talk about her

"You are seriously the cutest. I can't wait to see her again" I had a big smile on my face and hugged him thightly "I'm glad you're still my best friend"

"I'm glad you are mine" He said before pulling away from the hug "so you and Luke?"

"ugh don't start about it. I mean I still kinda sort of like him but Ally broke up with him a few days ago. He texted me asking to talk this morning but I am scared he's going to use me to forget about her. They only dated for like 2 or 3 months but still, I feel like I should wait a little more before having to hear him tell me how much he loves me. To make sure he figures everything out on his own first."

"I can only agree with you about that. I know he always had a thing for you, even while dating Ally. He sort of latched out at me multiple times before about us being so close. I just never expected him to do it in front of you aswell." He sighed and looked up at me "Are you allowed to date any of us with your contract? I sort of expected them to put something in it like that."

"I am, as long as I don't go out in public during the tour. So that would suck if I even ever got together with him."

"That indeed sucks. I don't get it though, you wouldn't use us as you already have a job on tour. They know you and if he really likes you, so what?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him.

"I's absolutly would love it if you could remove someones feelings. So both me and Luke magically wouldn't feel anything for eachother. That would be great."

"You're afraid to fall inlove, aren't you? That's why you always told Luke you didn't want to date him. If you like him, that's okay. We're all scared we'd loose them one day, but you have to let yourself fall inlove. You're missing out on a lot of things if you don't."

"Like sex?" I said as serious as possible. He did have a point but I don't think I want to admit that.

"Yes, like sex. Falling inlove is great"

"But the thing about falling inlove is that you fall. And if you fall you're never sure if the other will catch you. So what if he doesn't? It will leave me heartbroken once again." I sighed and placed my face in my hands, resting my elbows on my knees "I'm way too messed up to be loved like that."

"I don't think Luke would ever let you fall. He's a great guy, we both know that." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer "And you aren't that messed up at all. You're getting better, getting less messed up. So that's amazing. And even if you are messed up, you still deserve someone to love you and take care of you. Besides, you won't have to deal with the long distance thing like Michael and me."

"That's a good point. Atleast I wouldn't be that far away." I sat back up and looked at him "Isn't it like dinner time or something? I'm starving."

He looked at his phone and I could see it was 9pm now. Sounds like dinner time.

"Let's go find the boys outside." Ashton said and got up. We walked out of the tour bus and saw Michael, Calum and Luke still standing at the fence talking with the same girls that showed me around the city. We walked over to them and heard them all laughing. Seems like they're having the time of their lives.

"Ashton!" Luke said when we came closer. "We made new friends!"

I stood next to the boys and soon the girl from the letter came over to me.

"Non of us had ever seen the boys from up close except at concerts. Right now we've been talking to them for quiet some time and they can all pronounce our names. You have made this day unforgettable. Thank you." She smiled and looked at me.

"You don't have to thank me" I gave her a big smile back while watching the others "I'd do anything to make other people happy, and they do love to be around their fans. It's just pretty hard sometimes when you get surrounded by so many people."

"Exactly. They asked us to keep this place secret and in return they were willing to stay and talk. It's fantastic just being here with a few fans and talking to your idols."

"I can believe that. I would have died if that happened to me with one of mine."

"Alex, we have to go for dinner or we will be too late. Are you coming with us?" Luke asked walking to me. The other boys were giving the girls a last hug before they would leave

"Ofcourse. I'm really starving." I smiled and said my goodbyes to the girls who showed me their city. I don't think I will forget this day anytime soon.


A/N: HIIII, I really have nothing usefull to tell except that I'm leaving on my holliday today and that means updates will come even slower and I wont have time to write so yea... I've only got 5 more chapters written (I'll write more when I come back home) so I will try to post like 3 chapters untill I'm back

Anyways, thanks for 8k reads on the story, love you all :)

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