• Chapter 10 •

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I was sitting in lunch room when Steve came over to me.

"Alex, just watched the pictures from 5 Seconds Of Summer. It just reminded me why I once hired an 18 year old to be a part of our staff. I think they're one of the best ones you've taken so far. It was an amazing oportunity that you were allowed to take pictures while being almost on the stage. You have a lot of talent. I wouldn't be suprised you'd be asked as a tour photographer for some of the artists that play here."

"Thank you so much Steve. I loved doing it. It was amazing how much they tried to interact with the camera."

"As I'm leaving for my holliday this evening, I already wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. We'll do a staff party once I get back."

"Thank you, I'll see you in a few weeks I guess"

"You can take the afternoon off, almost everything is finished already so if you want you can go home." He gave me a big smile before walking back to his office.

I took out my phone to tell Luke I would be done working earlier when I noticed I had a few new texts from Megan and Luke

Megan: ALEX

Me: I'm done earlier, will call you in a bit. Now just calm down.

I somehow loved her obsession with them. I'm pretty sure I was like that aswell with my favorite bands.

I opened the conversation with Luke to see what he had to say

Luke: call me when you're done working, I'll come pick you up at your place. I've got some things planned to do. The boys and some other friends of ours are joining aswell

I closed my phone again and took my backpack and jacket, ready to leave. As I got in my car I decided to call Luke first, as that wouldnt take as long as calling my freaked out sister.

"Hey Alex!" Luke's happy voice said when the ringing stopped

"Hey Luke, my boss gave me the afternoon off so I'm on my way home now. Which means we can meet up earlier. What are your plans?"

"Oh that's great! We are going paintballing or laser shooting. We're still deciding which one it will be and as we can't decide you can choose."

"I'd love to go paintballing, it's been a while ago since I last went!" I said being very happy about his idea.

If you haven't noticed yet, I'm not really into the very girly things. I love a good horror or action movie so much more than a comedy or romantic one. Or much rather go paintballing than to the mall. I don't like to wear make up, will only wear a dress or skirt on a special occasion. I love going on long hikes or back pack traveling, don't drop me off at a beach or all in hotel, I hate it.

"Didn't expect you to choose thatone, but it's my favorite aswell." He said

"That proves you don't really know me that well yet." I chuckled a little and could hear him laugh on the other end.

"Just text me your adress and I'll pick you up in an hour, so you have enough time to get ready."

"Just come in 40min, I don't need that much time."

"Okay, see you then."

"Goodbye Luke" I hung up the phone and started my car. I dialed my sister's number and put her on hands free. Ready to hear her freak out for the next 15min.

"ALEX." She almost screamed when she picked up the phone.

"Hey Megan" I said back making sure to not hit any people when leaving the parking lot.

"Okay so when I woke up this morning I saw I had like a lot new followers. I didn't get it at all but then I all of a sudden saw a dm from Calum! He said he had a good time yesterday and asked if I could send the picture, I replied that you had it and gave him your twitter so yours probably exploded aswell. He said thank you and I just can't believe he looked up my twitter. I just can't freaking believe any of this. This has been my dream for the past 2 years and now all of a sudden they all follow me within a day! I don't even know how I could thank you." She stopped talking after only 2 minutes. That's a record for her. "How did he know my twitter?"

"Luke asked me yesterday after you went to sleep, now I get why. I'm very happy for you Meg. Are you still at my place or did dad already pick you up?"

"I'm back home. So you've been texting Luke?"

"I'm seeing him in 35minutes so yes, I have been texting him."

"That's so cool. My sister is friends with my idol." She said more to herself

"It still feels so weird that I'm friends with someone famous."

"Oh and I saw Luke changed his profile picture to one of yours! And your pictures are just everywhere. For some reason this is so much cooler then it normally is."

"That's great! But I have to hang up, I just got home and still need to shower etc."

"Have fun! Text me how it was okay?"

"I will, goodbye Megan"

"Goodbye Alex!" She hang up and I got out of the car.

I took a quick shower and changed into light blue skinny jeans and a black greenday tank top. I really love them. I put my hair in a loose braid knowing I had to put a helmet on so my hair would look like shit later anyways.

I was sitting on the couch when I heard a knock at my door. I hopped on my feet and ran over to the door. When I opened the door I was faced with a happy Luke.

He was wearing dark skinny jeans (without holes in them, shocker.) and a nirvana tank top. Matching my skinny jeans and band shirts look.

"Hi Luke!"

"Are you ready?" luke said

"I just need to take a sweater and I'm done!" I said leaving the door open for him before turning around to go to my room.

"I really like your place." He said stepping inside and looking around "it's not even a little girly, I like that."

"I swear you still need to get to know me better. I'm not into that kind of things at all." I said when I was in his view again.

"I'd love to get to know everything about you." He gave me a big smile opening his arms for a hug. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his chest.

"I'd really like to get to know you aswell, find out who the real Luke Hemmings is."

"I think that sounds like a deal. But now I have to go beat your ass at paintball." He laughed a little and let go of me

"Oh you wish." I gave him a big smile and took my phone and keys. Heading out of my appartment I noticed all the boys sitting in one car, another car behind them with a guy and 3 girls. Seems like I was going to make a lot of new friends today.

"Alex! Ready to watch us beat Luke's ass? You can view from the side with the other girls." Michael said when we both got into the car.

"Oh no, I'm going to be helping you guys beat his ass."

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