• Chapter 24 •

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"Glad I still get to laugh at drunk people." I laughed a little and when we got in the living room many of the heads turned in our direction.

"Ashton! Alex!" Calum said excited coming up to give us both a hug. He already had an almost empty beer in his hand.

"Guys, this is our gorgeous photographer Alex, she's touring with us!" He said very excited to everyone

"Calum is bad with alcohol." Ashton whispered "but he's a lot of fun to watch. Also after this beer we fill his with water, he doesn't notices" he laughed a little looking at the guy dancing around with his beer.

"Can't believe my first hug from Calum was while he's drunk." I laughed and looked around.

"I have to go say hi to my family, they arrived while I came to pick you up. Just come with me" He gave me a smile and took my hand, leading me to a group of people talking, one side I could recognise as Calum's family, the other would be Ashton's I guess.

"Ashton" the woman said very excited pulling him to her to give her a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm going to miss you too mom." He said when she let go off him.

"So, introduce me to this pretty lady you went to pick up." She said looking over at me

"I'm Alex, it's very nice to meet you." I said holding out my hand but instead of accepting it she pulled me in for a hug.

"Take care of my boy" she whispered in my ear, making me laugh a little.

"We're friends, I'm working for them on tour" I said back

"Oh really? What are you going to do?" She asked letting go off me.

"Photographing, helping with the set up, soundcheck and things like that." I told her with a smile. I felt a hand being placed on my lower back making me almost jump up before realising it was Ashton.

"Do you girls want something to drink to continue this talk?" He asked looking at both of us.

"A beer please" his mom said giving him a big smile

"And you?"

"Just some water will be okay" I said looking back at him

"The beer is really good, believe me" his mom said looking at me a bit shocked for my choice of drink

"I don't drink alcohol, so water it is." I smiled at her and Ashton left to get our drinks

"We're going to sit next to eachother during dinner. I've got some great tips and tricks for photographing them on tour. What did you do before, as a job?"

"It would be amazing to hear them. I haven't toured with an artist before. I have worked at the arena here in Syndey for the past 2 years, doing almost the exact same thing as I will do on tour. That's how I met them."

"I have one of your pictures printed out at home!" Her face seemed to light up when I mentioned my past job.

"That's so cool!"

"I'm really glad Ashton brought you here tonight." She said right before I saw Ashton coming closer again, holding 2 beers and a glass of water.

"Luke arrived, so we can go eat." He said handing us our drinks.

"I want Alex to sit between us, is that alright?" She said looking up at his son.

"Ofcours mom" he kissed her cheeck and gestured us to follow him to the table.

We all sat down at the huge table and everyone started talking with the people around them. They all look so close and I think that's fantastic.

I was happy to sit between Ashton and his mom. And being able to talk about what I love all night.


The left over family members were all sitting on the couches talking. Currently only Calum's and Ashton's family was left. And Luke's and Michael's girlfriend. I was still sitting with Ashton's family. They were amazing people. I found out that his sister couldn't come out tonight but would be at the concert tomorrow while his younger brother was happy to be here.

To my big suprise, Ashton had stopped drinking after his second beer. The other boys all seemed to be on the verge between drunk and absolutly wasted.

"At what time do you need to start working?" Ashton said leaning his head against my shoulder. He seemed so tired.

"At 8am, they decided to let me come 2 hours later then usual."

"You can stay here if you want, I can drop you off at your place tomorrow morning or at the arena" He said looking up at me

"That would be nice, then you don't need to drive back to my place and back here now." I gave him a big smile and he turned away again still partly sleeping on my shoulder.

"Great." I looked around and saw Ally looking at us with a grin. I rolled my eyes at her and my eyes landed on his mom, who was also looking at us with a big smile on her face. When she noticed I saw her she stood up to come sit next to me at my other side, leaning close enough to me to hear her whisper.

"You sure you aren't dating?"

How could I be dating Ashton when I still felt something for Luke?

A/N: so this isn't a long chapter but I just had to end it here 😱😄 now you can all start thinking what will happen in the next few chapters!

Also thank you for 5k reads on the story :)

I'm also having writer's block so I will be posting less for now because else I will be out of pre written chapters this weekend. I'm trying my best to write again but I feel like I'm stuck... I always have that once the end of a book comes closer... I'm going to try my best to give this book atleast 40 chapters. And maybe a sequel after it but that depends on if you guys want it.

I'm also writing a new book and I might post the prologue of thatone soon. Currently not sure yet if I'm going to turn it into a Calum or Luke one. But I'm writing on thatone as long as I can't find inspiration for thisone...

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