• Chapter 27 •

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I had left Calum's key in Luke's room for him and walked down the hallway to go back to my room.

"He's going to break up with me, isn't he?" Ally asked as soon as she saw me walk in. She was sitting on her bed and looked like she had been crying.

"No, I don't think he will." I said when I sat down next to her and gave her a big hug.

"Then I'm going to break up with him"

"Why would you?"

"I realised I'm crazy for being inlove with someone who has his eyes on someone else. I have been thinking about doing that for a week now.. I could feel he wasn't happy with me anymore and I don't want to keep him from being happy."

"Would you leave tour then?" I looked down at my hands, unsure of what else to say.

"I am leaving next week anyway, I have to go back home to work" She sighed and wrapped her arm around me "but I promise you we will stay in contact, you're a great friend."


5 days later Ally got on the plane back home. She had broken up with Luke the day after the dinner. Luke has been a mess, only being happy while on stage.

And Ashton had decided to start keeping some more distance from me. I didn't get it. We always told eachother about the ones we loved and I've met the girl he talked about a few times now. But after what happened with Luke he kept his distance.

I was sitting in the bus working on the pictures of the night before when my phone buzzed.

Luke: want to go out tonight?

Me: Luke, not now. I don't want to be or feel like your rebound.

I locked my phone again and turned it back on silent, wanting to only have to focus on the pictures. I wanted to go explore Antwerp (Belgium) later today so had to finish this soon.

It took me around an hour to finish everything and send it to my boss. I also picked out my favorite picture to post on social media. It was one of Luke looking over at the crowd. He looked so happy and I thought that was incredible as he has been looking like shit in real life.

I posted it on instagram and took the 2 letters I recieved from fans yesterday. I thought it was really cool they wanted to give me one.

I opened them and read both of them, feeling incredibly happy to have my own 'fans'. Both of them were from girls who were hobby photographers themself, telling me they loved my work and hoped to become just as good.

I put them away and took my jacket to go outside. I wrote down a note for the rest of the staff so they knew I was gone and left.

It was a nice day, the sun was shining and it wasn't that cold. Compared to Australia it was incredibly cold but for the past month the weather hasn't been so good.

When I passed the security I saw a few fans waiting at the fence. When they saw me walking out I noticed they started talking quietly to eachother while looking at me.

"Hello Alex!" One of them said, you could already hear the accent.

"Hi!" I walked towards them as I had no clue where to go anyway "How long have you been waiting out here?" I asked them when I saw all the leftovers from food and water bottles

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